Caught out by POA!

I’ve picked up an infringement for going over my driving hours.

Arrived at RDC with 2hrs driving time under my belt
Told I’d be loaded in an hour, so banged onto POA for 60 mins
Tacho wiped my driving hours back to zero so headed back all happy :slight_smile:
Drove back for 2h 45m, did other work to finish my day & went home happy (after downloading my card first)

Next morning, supervisor calls me in for an infringement. 4hrs 45mins driving without a break!

He explained that although the tacho wipes the drving hours back to zero if set to POA for 45 mins or more, POA doesn’t actually count as a break from driving under the regs.!!!

So, anyone else under the impression that POA can count as a break or is it just me and the tachograph manufacturers■■? :confused:

I try to keep the periods of POA to under 30 minutes before I switch it off POA to another mode, even if I switch it back to another mode for a few minutes before putting it back on POA.
I was once caught out 4hrs from base when the tacho reset the 4.5hrs

And that’s why i don’t use poa, stick it on break instead far easier.

Just you being thick ! How can POA be a break ■■? Why dint you put it on break ■■?

Now do you lot believe me when I say most drivers are stupid !

Every morning I jumps in my truck, kicks the tyres & lights the fires. Then I back it out of the garage approx 50’, to park in the yard where the trukkie loads it for the first run & I check my truck for the day ahead. This works well for the both of us. Whilst he’s loading . . . I’m doing the paperwork.

Once a month, every month, I gets called into t’office. I stand there trembling, whilst wringing my flat cap in my shaking hands, to take the rollicking from t’Boss 'cos I moved t’bloody truck before I had chance to properly check it over.

Apparently this is a worse offense than child molestation.

My standard reply to this & all their other nonsense is, “if I happened to like cheese Boss, then I’d be a mouse Boss” (tugs forelock for effect).

If you don’t understand this, then you must be my Boss.

I don’t give a flying (rhymes with hook) about most of my infringements because they just point out how horribly wrong the whole system was thought out.

TTX boy:
Just you being thick ! How can POA be a break ■■? Why dint you put it on break ■■?

Now do you lot believe me when I say most drivers are stupid !

Oh dear. Don’t think this is gonna go too well.

Less of the attitude please TTX boy, we weren’t all born a copy of the the regs up our arse!

I didn’t put it on break as we’ve been instructed to use poa when waiting to be loaded.

Why do the tacho manufacturers programme their units to reset the hours on POA?

Break … Sat on arse doing sod all . POA…sat on arse doing sod all.

bald bloke:
And that’s why i don’t use poa, stick it on break instead far easier.

Same here I just don’t use it at all.

Why do the tacho manufacturers programme their units to reset the hours on POA?

For double manning operations.
Break won’t record when the wheels are turning, so first 45 mins of POA counts as a break when double manning.


Why do the tacho manufacturers programme their units to reset the hours on POA?

For double manning operations.
Break won’t record when the wheels are turning, so first 45 mins of POA counts as a break when double manning.

Thanks AJF3011, a helpful answer and a lesson learned, cheers.

I never use POA for exactly this reason. I got a tip off about this about 14 years ago while still using discs. We got a new Scania with the cd drawer style opening (rather than the then common key opening) and one of drivers was pulled for a check and advised that POA wasn’t a break.

Less of the attitude please TTX boy, we weren’t all born a copy of the the regs up our arse!

I didn’t put it on break as we’ve been instructed to use poa when waiting to be loaded.

Why do the tacho manufacturers programme their units to reset the hours on POA?

Break … Sat on arse doing sod all . POA…sat on arse doing sod all.

I think the UK is the only country not to recognise POA as a break if on POA for 45 mins or more, that’s why the tacho head wipes the driving time as the rest of Europe recognises it as a break

TTX boy:
Just you being thick ! How can POA be a break ■■? Why dint you put it on break ■■?

Now do you lot believe me when I say most drivers are stupid !

:unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

I didn’t put it on break as we’ve been instructed to use poa when waiting to be loaded.

Tell whoever said that - you do not know how long the wait will be so break will be used

Trouble is, we do know how long we’ll be waiting as it’s to a set schedule. The only variable is our arrival time. I’ll raise it with my TM anyway though. Cheers

I do not know about your company policies but there is no legal requirement to record POA instead of break when not driving or doing other work


Why do the tacho manufacturers programme their units to reset the hours on POA?

For double manning operations.
Break won’t record when the wheels are turning, so first 45 mins of POA counts as a break when double manning.

nope MMTM! :laughing: uk and Sweden use ( or Abuse ) POA :sunglasses: IN EUROPE POA symbol is THEIR 45 min break :sunglasses: unbelievable! :smiley: when the oh to bed or home to THEIR KINGSIZE BED the put it on bed and log off/ take THEIR CARD OUT AND GO HOME! Believe that one driver! :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

For double/ multi manning it goes onto POA symbol automatically in card slot 2 and as most people go over the water that little symbol is break believe it or not! :wink: they can still put it on bed you know when they park up! Now for the unbelievable MMTM! :grimacing: VOSTAPO WILL ACCEPT THE FIRST 45 mins as break bullstein screwdrivers! Honestly believe it or not! :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: please remember 21 hour duty time and 9 hours off = 30 hours whilst double / multi manning pleased think of the children and don’t drive TIRED! UNBELIEVABLE, mountains and mole hills :grimacing:

When this happens to me I always press down once (new Stoneridge) to keep an eye on my daily driving time although I do sometimes find it messes my breaks up. I sometimes take an extra 15 on top of my 30 (split break) to get it back to normal.


I didn’t put it on break as we’ve been instructed to use poa when waiting to be loaded.

Tell whoever said that - you do not know how long the wait will be so break will be used

Instructed by someone who probably has no idea how to do your job, seems to be a big problem these days.
POA has no use what so ever in this industry!
Unless it can be proved different.

Best to use bed symbol (break or rest periods) if you can, presuming you can dispose of your time freely. The only problem with bed mode is some firms don’t pay breaks - that’s when POA should be ‘utilised’. But you still need a 45 mins break when 4.5 hours driving time is reached.

POA is not considered a break as you are effectively on standby. Except for double-manning purposes when driver 2 (non-driver) mode will always default to POA when vehicle is moving, and mode cannot be changed whilst vehicle is in motion.
VOSA state that the 1st 45 mins. of a driver 2 POA will be accepted as a break.

See page 21 here: … europe.pdf