Catherine Cookson

Not long ago we received about twenty dvd’s from the Daily Mail - all dramatisations of this wonderful storytellers work.

I wouldn’t normally mention this, but trucks/lorries …call 'em what you will seldom get much of a mention anywhere do they?
We watched the first one t’other neet… ‘The Round Tower’…
set in 1958, in Newcastle-upon-Tyne it’s a great story of class-divide and the hero of it all strives to set up a haulage busineses.

Sumptuous shots of ‘fifties’ Newcastle and an enthralling, fast paced story it’s well worth a look for nostaligia buffs.
Goes on a bit at two and a half hours - ish but I’d not be mentioning it if it wasn’t a bit special.

Besides ‘Hell Drivers’ and ‘The Long Haul’ where else did fifties lorry drivers get a mention?..answers on a postcard…:wink:


Besides ‘Hell Drivers’ and ‘The Long Haul’ where else did fifties lorry drivers get a mention?..answers on a postcard…:wink:


Well there’s one, straight off. Thats without searching. Its something i’m interested in, but you have to bear in mind they didn’t know the internet was going to come along and make this stuff ‘archiveable’.

Your ‘signature’ is absolutely spot on mate.
I’ve been saying that meself for years! :wink: