Catching a few zzzzzz's

i’m agreeing with rob again :blush:

whilst having my hour break (just trying to keep legal boss :wink: ) at tamworth services. i was trying to nod off when this reed bordall reefer pulled up next to me (nearly taking my mirror off in the process).

now it wasn’t the noise of the reefer keeping me awake because i drive a fridge wagon. no it was the fact that this [zb] numpty and his mate decided to have a conversation at the top of there voices so they could here themselves over the fridge,shouting like old fish wives in front of my truck.

so if your going to have a conversation with your buddy in a truck park ,think of others and just get in the cab with them,saving the rest of us knowing what a [zb] your boss is.



lol usually im that tired when i get the chance to sleep i sleep …not used to the long hours …