Casual work in the south east

Hi all

Im in a rather fortunate position of having a well paid job not in lgv driving but on the railways. Now I must admit I do miss driving and I know its not the best job in the world but I liked it when I done it. Im looking to get back into it but I’ve only got a class 2 but looking to get my class 1 soon. Its been a while since I had a look on drivers hours etc but what can I work extra? I currently do an average of 35 hours a week, no more then 37 and do a 4 day week rota with a 5 day long weekend at the end of every 3rd week.
This starts on a friday and finshes on the following Wednesday so have a quite a few days left doing nowt and would like to get back into driving.
Not really fussed about the wages but its the hours and finding some work thats the issue.
I live in surrey so anywhere close within reason would be good.
Any help would be great.

There is a school of thought that says, in these difficult times, leave the driving jobs to those drivers that solely depend on them to support a family, pay a mortgage, etc.

I understand people are hard up but im sure if a jobs going then it would be snapped up. Im not talking about full time im talking about 1 day a week here or there to keep my hand in. I dont think that’s going to be treading on too many toes do you■■?

It is very hard out there at the moment.Drivers are not leaving and hanging on to their jobs.
Give it to when the Dcpc kicks in when the old timers will call it a day in the Autumn.
Have a look at the Vosa website under decisions/applications pages.
It lists small to large hauliers in your area.
The addresses are there to write to.
Or call round in person when they are not busy loading trucks.
Most ignore emails and phoning is a waste of time.
Try Eures,Gumtree and Rapido job search sites.