Cars trying to push in on slip roads

tonight about 1830 ish traffic fairly busy eastbound m62 had let a car then a lorry join motorway junction just before birch mr porsche driver obviously without indicating assumes wrongly im going to let him barge his way in seeing that i arent decides to accelerate up the hard shoulder fair enough i then see mr porsche driver middle lane just nr birch services had to laugh matrix sign said slow down spray he only had his roof down sun glasses on :sunglasses:
the rain then came down he looked a right plonker he then came off at milnrow shaw exit stopped on the hard shoulder i had to bip the horn and wave
wrong i know but it made me chuckle

:bulb: check weather forcasts if you have a cabriolet summer lasts hrs in britain

car drivers attempting to totally ignore the Highway Code & the Give Way line at the bottom of on slips are one of my pet hates. (along with failing to signal on round-a-bouts). :imp: :imp:

last night i had a driver cut me as he came of the slip road, i braked hard, and swerved abit, then the car who was over taking me must have thought i was doing something to him as he then cut me up and braked right in front of me, slowing me down to about 15mph then buggered off - had i of been loaded he wouldnt have a car right now.

That slip is so dangerous, everyone wants to beat the wagon/van on inside lane, so they move over to outside but its so short, and they run out of road before theyā€™ve started looking at traffic in lane 1 of M62. I just take my time in the inside lane and filter in without any stress.

Just another day on our glorious motorway network. :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

I got brake tested today by some ā– ā– ā– ā–  in a car on the A50, all because I held him up for 2 seconds getting around a crane, and the idiot had his wife and kids with him. I seriously wonder what this knubskull was thinking , slamming on in front of 44 tonnes of moving metal :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

Oh , and if I had hit him it would be MY fault rightā– ā– ? :unamused:

i have stopped pulling over to middle lane to let cars out most of whom are to ignorant to acknowledge me or let me past them i end up looking like an ā– ā– ā–  stuck in the middle lane getting abuse from people who think i am stupid

i have stopped pulling over to middle lane to let cars out most of whom are to ignorant to acknowledge me or let me past them i end up looking like an ā– ā– ā–  stuck in the middle lane getting abuse from people who think i am stupid

me too, thereā€™s usually a gap in front of and behind me , if theyā€™re too stupid to realise they can accelerate to my speed and use one of the gaps then thatā€™s their problem !!

They cut in and brake check HGVs because they are totally oblivious to the danger they are puting themselves and others in. I guess they shoud be pitied for ther lack of sense behind the wheel. Im starting to assume that every other road user is going to do something unexpected/dangerous/stupid and drive accordingly. This strategy makes my day much less stressful!

Not quite the same, but I was overtaken on a stretch of two-lane road by some lunatic who swerved in front of me then slammed on for a newly changed amber light.

Luckily enough the second lane (that he had just swerved out of) was completely empty and I managed to skid my way into that.

I donā€™t know if he was after an insurance claim or if he was just plain daft. Either way, I spent the next 30 seconds sat at the red light ā€˜explainingā€™ lgv braking distances to him.

Sadly he didnā€™t seem too interestedā€¦

i have stopped pulling over to middle lane to let cars out most of whom are to ignorant to acknowledge me or let me past them i end up looking like an ā– ā– ā–  stuck in the middle lane getting abuse from people who think i am stupid

Iā€™ve stopped too. However, it is interesting to note the number of cars that will run along side you, up to the point that they have run out of sliproad, and then suddenly seem to shoot backwards, only to the flash their lights and blast their horn.
Iā€™ve even resorted to rolling my eyes to myself at the never ending wonder of how on earth they ended up getting themselves into that situation, and blaming me.

Also, on a side note, am I the only one here who feels that justice has been served on car drivers when Iā€™ve been overtaking on a two lane stretch for about two or three minutes, due to my speed being only very fractionally faster than the lorry Iā€™m overtaking, and one or more of the cars which were stuck behind you comes past blasting their horn? God gosh, that is a satisfying rush. It is even better when, like at the A1 / A14 roundabout they hit a red light, and you come rolling in next to them, look down, and they darenā€™t even look at you.

At least he stopped to put his roof up, saw a woman driving an Audi convertible out of Stratford lastweek with the roof stuck halfway up seemingly oblivious?? was doing 40mph so presumably thereā€™s some electrical cutout or it just got stuck, looked stupid either way.

At least he used the hard shoulder to get up to speed and get going - too many morons will e-stop at the last moment and sit at the bottom corner of the slip then stationary, with the indicator on.

car drivers attempting to totally ignore the Highway Code & the Give Way line at the bottom of on slips are one of my pet hates. (along with failing to signal on round-a-bouts). :imp: :imp:

i agree with thatā€¦

One bovine female tried to do that to me in a queue on the M25 one time. She came down the M1 slip and tried to push in, I just carried on regardless, and she ended up trying to push my side bars out of the way. Numpty. She called the depot and said Iā€™d ā€œRammed herā€ :laughing: With the side bars?? :open_mouth: :laughing:

Pull over for people to push in? No. Not on your life, not any more. I may consider it for a wagon, if thereā€™s plenty of space in lane 2, but thatā€™s getting hard these days.

The government dosnā€™t help matters. They will spend millions on the christmas drink drive campaign, and wear your seatbelt etc,etc. But why not educate drivers on motorway driving.
I always try to assess the driver whoā€™s coming down the slip. is it typicle mr flash BMW. or is it a young mother who is probably not used to more than the school run. You know the ones, hands at ten to two, white knuckles, shaking. i give them the room they need. but mr iā€™ll cut you up if it kills me. then i keep the toe on it. if he ends up on the embankment or into the cones, then that was his choice. TV advertising is the only answer. NOT the bog wall TV. :laughing: :laughing:

maybe they could build some motorways just for us. but then we would have no complaints. truck driving just wouldā€™nt be the same. complaining is in the job description. :laughing: :laughing:

I canā€™t help noticing that some things I had drilled into me when learning to drive in the late seventies arenā€™t being taught to motorists these days:

  1. The vehicle on the slip road adjust itā€™s speed; not the vehicle on the main road
    and slip roads are long and tapering for a reasonā€¦ you arenā€™t meant to stop suddenly at the fat end of the slip
  2. how to position your vehicle at roundabouts/junctions ie to the left if youā€™re turning left, not bang in the middle stopping others from assuming the correct position

Do people who use motorways and roundabouts forget one basic rule of the highway code. GIVE WAY TO TRAFFIC FROM THE RIGHT. !!! :arrow_right:

Denis F:

i have stopped pulling over to middle lane to let cars out most of whom are to ignorant to acknowledge me or let me past them i end up looking like an ā– ā– ā–  stuck in the middle lane getting abuse from people who think i am stupid

me too, thereā€™s usually a gap in front of and behind me , if theyā€™re too stupid to realise they can accelerate to my speed and use one of the gaps then thatā€™s their problem !!

Yep to all of thatā€¦

just had one on A40 about 15mins couldnt move over so got the abuse from window, then he came round me and cut me up and braked muppetts the lot of them lol