Carryfast v chester debate forum

Enjoy yourselves here guys , save hijacking other posts with your lengthy rants, bring it all here , then we can choose if we wish to read & trawl through it …

Thank you

Please, do come here and have you little fun

Good idea. while we’re on can we post all those" look at this silly cyclist v brilliant trucker" vids? It’s getting a bit tedious now. If you want to view them go to you tube.

This topic must surely have the ability to run to 100+ pages…

They won’t use it because that would be admitting they’ve been flirting with each other

Tipper Tom:
They won’t use it because that would be admitting they’ve been flirting with each other

Oh, a bit of a love thing going on is there?


Tipper Tom:
They won’t use it because that would be admitting they’ve been flirting with each other

Oh, a bit of a love thing going on is there?

They can’t possibly have that much to say to each other without there being some underlying attraction

:wink: :wink: