Mainly for the trampers this, Do you take your card out at night or leave it in on break ? Someone told me the other day that is an offence to leave it in overnight? Thanks.
its not an offence but read this thread as what to do.easier to take it out end of shift and insert at beginning.
I just leave mine in all week, put it on break and manual entry finish country and manual entry start country in the morning. my truck doesn’t change the mode when you turn the ignition on at night so not a problem, if the truck did then I would take it out, either way is legal
Just set your start and end country at the start and end of your shift and leave it in if you’re in the wagon all week.
If you’re a day driver you should take it out so nobody can drive as you and rack your house up. Just be sure to stare the country at the start and end of each shift as the DVSA as they’re now called will try and do you for tacho infringements.