Caravan season

Will be pleased when its over! I’m sure all the proper drivers on here would ■■■■ the turn without taking their eyes off the dvd they been watching on their break! :sunglasses: :wink:

I had to park behind another hence space now in front before anyone asks…

Cruise Control:
Will be pleased when its over!

It’s all year round, we’re going away half term end of October in ours. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

bald bloke:

Cruise Control:
Will be pleased when its over!

It’s all year round, we’re going away half term end of October in ours. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

me too…nowt wrong with caravanners…

Neve mind caravans and the like, what about wasps they’re seasonal.
Lets have a good old ■■■■■ about WASPS.
I have about six of the little ■■■■■■■■ feeding off me windscreen if I open the windows they will be in and it’s sunny and I need to open them but I can’t.
Give me a caravan any day rather than frickin WASPS.
AND do wasps pay road tax?

Neve mind caravans and the like, what about wasps they’re seasonal.
Lets have a good old ■■■■■ about WASPS.
I have about six of the little [zb] feeding off me windscreen if I open the windows they will be in and it’s sunny and I need to open them but I can’t.
Give me a caravan any day rather than frickin WASPS.
AND do wasps pay road tax?

what’s the last thing that goes through a wasps mind when it hits your windscreen…

I am sure we didn’t have as many wasps before we joined the EU.
Most of them don’t have passports or pay any tax or NI either.

(My wobble box is put away now - too busy to use it.)

Neve mind caravans and the like, what about wasps they’re seasonal.
Lets have a good old ■■■■■ about WASPS.
I have about six of the little [zb] feeding off me windscreen if I open the windows they will be in and it’s sunny and I need to open them but I can’t.
Give me a caravan any day rather than frickin WASPS.
AND do wasps pay road tax?

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: Brilliant wasp rant…

JLS Driver SOS:

Neve mind caravans and the like, what about wasps they’re seasonal.
Lets have a good old ■■■■■ about WASPS.
I have about six of the little [zb] feeding off me windscreen if I open the windows they will be in and it’s sunny and I need to open them but I can’t.
Give me a caravan any day rather than frickin WASPS.
AND do wasps pay road tax?

what’s the last thing that goes through a wasps mind when it hits your windscreen…

Dunno,what,it’s arse.

and i bet the wasps that make the most mess are eastern european wasps and the worker wasps work for less than the national wasp average and long hours and the in the wasp world eddis waspbart and norby waspydongle are “stinging” everyone…well every other thread goes that way!!

The episode of the inbetweeners somes up my opinion about caravans. ■■■■■■■■ in a little box 1 foot from where you eat and sleep. Then at the end of the holiday where you’ve been driving in sweltering heat and in sitting in traffic you get to empty your ■■■■ out on your driveway.

Happy holidays ya pshycos!

The season is still in full swing for me, had some good holidays in my caravan this year and I’m not a pshycos!. Is that a place or a disease? :smiley:

The episode of the inbetweeners somes up my opinion about caravans. [zb] in a little box 1 foot from where you eat and sleep. Then at the end of the holiday where you’ve been driving in sweltering heat and in sitting in traffic you get to empty your [zb] out on your driveway.

Happy holidays ya pshycos!

Yup, you know what,you’re probably right mate.

thats a hotel not a ruddy carathing :smiley: :smiley: