Car transporters.

Hello All,My 1st post on here.Been looking on here for a while now and always said,I’ll register when I pass My class 1.So last Wednesday I did just that.Ive been driving a 18tonner rigid car transporter for 8 years.
So,heres the thing,I’m green under the wings with the artic,but have just started training on the 9 car transporter,the one with the peak on what swings out like hell.Enjoying so far but every single lamp-post I worry about.
Any of You good Folk drive these,or have once driven.
Does Anyone aggree with this fact,with Me new to artics,I’m getting trained from the word go to drive with that swinging out peak.In other words,its all I’ll know.
I’ve noticed alot of the transporter companies have removed these peaks.kind of Know why now.
My trainers spot on and Knows His stuff but any tips wouldnt go a miss…Martin.

ps…If anyones thinking of writing,Your not ready for this type of trailer, (I’ve no choice,).

Welcome to MadCSINetUK!!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Never done transporters and probably never would - too much hassle for me.

Sure someone will be along in a moment to help out. I think it will just be a matter of practising and being careful whilst you are getting used to the new techniques needed.

A lot of potential ■■■■ ups are possible I would say, so take it steady and good luck with it! :slight_smile:

Hello All,My 1st post on here.Been looking on here for a while now and always said,I’ll register when I pass My class 1.So last Wednesday I did just that.Ive been driving a 18tonner rigid car transporter for 8 years.
So,heres the thing,I’m green under the wings with the artic,but have just started training on the 9 car transporter,the one with the peak on what swings out like hell.Enjoying so far but every single lamp-post I worry about.
Any of You good Folk drive these,or have once driven.
Does Anyone aggree with this fact,with Me new to artics,I’m getting trained from the word go to drive with that swinging out peak.In other words,its all I’ll know.
I’ve noticed alot of the transporter companies have removed these peaks.kind of Know why now.
My trainers spot on and Knows His stuff but any tips wouldnt go a miss…Martin.

ps…If anyones thinking of writing,Your not ready for this type of trailer, (I’ve no choice,).

Well I’ve never driven an artic or drawbar transporter, so I’m no good to you. I just wanted to say congrats on passing your test! :smiley:

There was a very recent thread about car transporters including discussion of peak decks here: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=91190

The search facility would of course have found it :wink:

Basically, tell your employer peak decks are outdated and a major 3rd party damage liability.
Then take an angle grinder to anything forward of the front pillars. :smiley:


There was a very recent thread about car transporters including discussion of peak decks here: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=91190

The search facility would of course have found it :wink:

Basically, tell your employer peak decks are outdated and a major 3rd party damage liability.
Then take an angle grinder to anything forward of the front pillars. :smiley:

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Hello yes I have driven them although a few years ago now.Most companies use drawbars now to eliminate that problem.
I remember the first time I did a tight left had turn and it was quite scary to watch the top deck of the trailer shooting away in the other direction from the unit.
Yes it can be quite daunting at times especially in tight situations where you have to watch the overhang at the front and the rear of the trailer as well.
Like anything else just take your time and you will soon get used to it.Just do not get over confident or complacent or it will catch you out.Just listen to your trainer and you won’t go far wrong.
Oh and do not forget about your height!
Good luck.

Thats unusual a new driver these days getting an artic transporter with a peak, i would say lucky you but maybe not… :smiling_imp:

First thing to do is to tie a piece of rope/torn cloth about 2 ft drop to the NSF corner of the peak, let it dangle (ooer missus), this is very useful to keep an eye on where your peak is on corners as with most cab designs you won’t be able to see it unless you lean right down to the dash.

If you’ve got an experienced trainer, and it sounds like you have please God, he’ll put you right, don’t forget if you ■■■■ up they’ll also point the finger at him (he may have to officially sign you off) so its in his interests to make sure you know everything.

Basically to make tight turn you have to exaggerate everything, you go past the turn as it were and when past lob full lock on, you then jack knife the trailer bringing the peak round in a perfect curve (watch the R send with your spare set of eyes up yer bum), then you again exaggerate by pushing the unit as far to the outside as possible almost circling the object once the peak is past the object in order to get the trailer wheels past its natural corner cutting.

I hope you’ve got a 3 axle trailer as the older often stretched 2 axle conversions cut corners really bad, hopefully they’re all scrapped now or had the peaks cut off.

When loading if possible try and put a vehicle on the peak with as short an overhang as possible, its not the place for a big S Class Merc with 5ft of extra overhang of expensive easily damaged body sticking out.

On the subject of training, i once helped a bloke load up beside Heathrow runway at one of the rental sites, he was an ex general haulage driver who had been given one, yes bloody ONE days training with a three deck artic with peak and sent out on his jack.
His bloody half wit gaffer deserved every bit of damage that this poor bloke was going to do, by rights he should have been locked up for neglect.

thankyou all for the replies,i had a read of that other thread and yes,it was interesting.some good pointers on i have got myself in this situation because my place only has one artic and one artic driver,he’s toying with the idea of retireing.thats where i come on the scene.l’m getting the hang of snakeing it around traffic lights and such.and yes i do have a bit of old strap dangling.can’t see it half the tim though.