Car Transporters

I’m thinking if taking the plunge, and giving up my job in a factory, and putting in an application form for ECM.

Has anyone got any tips for car transport work, what’s you opinion on it, as I’ve only done tautliner and fridge work!

Does anyone on here work for ECM that can drop me a PM!

Dead mans shoes, rang them for a chat & they asked me loads of questions & in the end it came down to lack of experience but they still sent me out a form, good luck.:slight_smile:

Cheers, I can only try!

Fella I know on a car forum has recently got on with carlson, no experience, did a week odd with stobart on them and jacked it in as he said they didn’t have a clue what they were doing but he’s quite happy at carslons from what I can tell.

The thing is, ECM’s main depot is only 10mins away.

Stevie B71:
The thing is, ECM’s main depot is only 10mins away.

Give it a go or you’ll never know:)



Stevie B71:
The thing is, ECM’s main depot is only 10mins away.

Give it a go or you’ll never know:)


Best of luck with, i doubt they’ll take you on inexperienced, they’ve been taking the better skilled staff from other companies (who still think A1 people are lining up to work for them) for some time now, but you never know.

Best way to get on there is to get a job with one of the transporter operators who will train you, then work the job several years to gain enough skill, then apply.

It’s not a job for everyone, and not everyone can do it, the fall out rate is staggering, no reflection on someone if it doesn’t work out for them, it’s a weird job and nothing remotely like other forms of transport.

I know 2 ex Autologic in there…