Car Insurance Recommendation

You are correct Juddian about NFU which you mentioned earlier in the thread.

Best in the field for me, I ploughed a few quid into them a couple of years ago when they were cream of the crop.

I think it was a mate of mine who planted the seed. I got quoted on both our vehicles and combined the amount.

Didn’t fancy being milked by my previous insurer anymore, they were pests. Best idea is to sort the wheat from the chaff.

But hay, what do I know?

Been with Cornmarket for 3 or 4 years now, each year I compare their renewals on a comparison website and each time they’re cheaper.
I’ve changed cars a couple of times mid way through a policy, and each time it has been easy and the new certificate emailed to me with in minutes.
They also have a UK call Centre, but not sure if you could say they’re always easy to understand as it’s in Northern Ireland and one or 2 of them do have quite strong accents. :laughing:

Muckles, swing a pitchfork up and give Eagerbeaver a clout round the ear would you for all those corny phrases… :laughing:

Sorry Juddo. Boredom has got a grip of me.

Muckles, swing a pitchfork up and give Eagerbeaver a clout round the ear would you for all those corny phrases… :laughing:

Yarp! Cheeky Whipper Snapper needs bringing into line, :laughing:

And if he keeps mentioning Ploughing, Dipper Dave will be along to show him what a good ploughing really means, and I think he like a nice straight and deep furrow. :laughing:

Not a driver anymore, so when corn market rang, they couldn’t help this time round. :frowning:

So turned to the comparison search engines…

And after MANY hours going through the usual ones - Go compare, compare the market,

I found came tops, even from the SAME insurance provider in their listings.

Wonder how?

May be because they DON’T give away one of those gimmiky toys if you buy through them… :unamused:

Will ring cornmarket tomoz . unfortunately their website doesnt do quotes .

Dont mind paying a bit more initially , but dont want to be shafted when i change car and home this year . this is where Hastings let them selves down

Toying with getting a quote from Saga too . but not sure if my young vibey , sooo kool streetcred might take a hammering . especially if any dawtas found out .

Apologies Muckles. My Uncle Dave tried a while back to explain to me how he plants his seed.

But it hurt a lot so I stopped him. I’ve watched Countryfile loads of times though, and I have never seen other farmers do it like him.

Toying with getting a quote from Saga too . but not sure if my young vibey , sooo kool streetcred might take a hammering . especially if any dawtas found out .

I agree rather pay more than admit to myself I’m old enough for Saga products. :laughing:

Apologies Muckles. My Uncle Dave tried a while back to explain to me how he plants his seed.

But it hurt a lot so I stopped him. I’ve watched Countryfile loads of times though, and I have never seen other farmers do it like him.

Did he show you his Dibber? :open_mouth: :laughing:

This is turning in Wogans Janet and John. :smiley:

Yeah. Couldn’t wait to get it out and show me.

Not as large an item as I expected though. Uncle Dave said it was something to do with it being very cold.