Captions Please ( just for fun ) … nt_count=1

Not Truck related guys / dolls , just for fun add a wee caption.

sobart spotter

Here you go OP

Since Stobart Spotter has gone, I will go for “VOSA Enforcement Officer looking for drivers without seatbelts”

Sergei where’s Oleg , I’m sure he’s around here somewhere

get this off my foot !!

Be careful where you sit lads…I’ve got Humans…" Scratch scratch.

someone says" how did that start?" and the meerkat replied “with a boil on my arse” :smiley:

Whachoo looking for??

THERE LOOK! Wearing a sodding red dressing gown.

QUICK get me “COMPARE THE MARKETS” phone number!

Here you go OP

Nope - no meerkats, I will have to report that they all live in Wetherfield now.