Caption this.



Don’t you just wish

I could make it look like an accident…

Make a sudden movement. Please

Just think yourself lucky I’m not the fashion police you ■■■, pink tie indeed!

All this just for a
Machocoffeelatedoubbelfrap with little Marsh mallows and a sprinkle of 100&1000s

“I’ll knock one through the back of his skull & if I’m quick enough, I’ll knick his coffee before he hits the ground”

Cup of WMD, Weapon of Mass Decaffeinated.

" Just step on this dodgy platform , Blair ! Yes ,… it`s the same one that Saddam last used ! " .

Double tap, double tap, double tap. Oh if only Carlsberg did armed cops!

I wonder how many clips I could put in him before I’m taken out?

“If I dropped him with two taps, would that make me famous, or infamous?”