Canvassing tacho law opinion

Looking at so many questions regarding tachos on here I thought I’d just ask what you good people think about tachograph laws. What would you like to see ? Are they good as they are or too complicated? You have to think that they are set out to include a whole host of different scenarios from the day driver to the Europeant trucker who could get stuck needing a rest period, hence the 24hrs. But does that encourage accidents whereas a driver can drive on a day run and then next day be having to stay awake all night doing a night run.

In my personal opinion they need overhauling drastically. They need simplifying. If you download the eu rules from vosa site they come as a whopping 57 page booklet. You have to ask how has it got to that ?

Whats your thoughts ? It’ll be interesting depending who needs what in order to get on with their work. Also as traffic gets horrendously work do we need more time to do this job or should hauliers be looking for alternative ways if they want to utilise their vehicles ?