Canadian trucking companies taking on british lorry drivers?

Hi all.i read these threads with interest as i myself have lived in holland,afghanistan,quebec[my wife was quebecois]and now live in swedish lappland.
i can understand anyone feeling bitter and cheated if you are tucked up by a company BUT,unfortunatley this is one of the risks you take when you move abroad ANYWHERE.lets face it,transport in general is the next closest thing to a criminal organisation look at all the mickey mouse companies that we have all heard about [and many of us have worked for]over the years.i myself have worked for some gems doing M.E. and europe.this is a way of life in transport and you have to make the best of it,learning as you go.
as to canada ,or,for that matter,any foreign country.if you decide to move it’s always a gamble but you have to accept the risks involved and make the best of it.
in the majority of cases they didn’t ask you to went to find a different,and hopefully,better life so the onus is on YOU to fit in and make the best of it.
i personally have nothin but praise for canada,and if my wife had not died would be happy to live there[even in quebec,which is where i lived]. take care all.mike


My God.Have you learned nothing.Canada and Canadian trucking jobs are the absolute worst!Only fools tread where angels fear to go.DO NOT GO THERE!!! I assume you are not British as we live in the best country in the world.If you tell me which part of Africa you are from I can maybe help you get into the UK,but I am not promising anything

And clearly you know it all then? Have you tried moving to Canada? Why are you back to the UK if you did try :unamused: And whats it to you what the man wants to do, If he WANTS to move to canada for the right reasons then good look to the man!!!Clearly he wants to move to Canada for a ‘better’ life for himself and clearly britain doesn’t hold that for him. And clearly if you tried moving to move to Canada and you know EVERYTHING like you seem to think you do why don’t you try using your experiences to ‘help’ people instead of trying to dampen things!

Oh you poor mug!Manitoba ,Canada.LOL Even in Canada people consider Manitoba only next to Queerbec as the place not to live.You are so desperate to try and show you made a good move that you portray Manitoba as a place to live for decent people.You were a failure here in the U.K so you go to a backwater like Canada and pretend driving a truck is living the dream.My god you are certifiable.Please stay in Manitoba ,your type are not welcome in the U.K.

You are clearly the mug here trying to dampen down on things when you show know knowledge of anything about Canada. other then failure. You try to say that he is a failure in the UK…Yet he seems happy where he lives now…and wouldn’t move back to the uk :unamused: Clearly if the UK was as ‘good’ as you portray it to be why the hell is it that these guys have moved away to start a new life elsewhere :unamused: You say their type is not welcome in the U.K…what makes you think your ‘type’ is welcome in the UK?? You to me seem to be a class A Bellend who needs to grow up instead of trying to throw the teddies out the pram. :grimacing:

Least if anything the guys that are making the move have the guts to follow their ‘dream’! I’m one of those people who want to move, am I a failure in the UK too because i want to move to canada…Or am i just optimistic and like looking to my future!! And atleast these guys give the ‘good vibe’ of success because they made it, giving the vibe needed to others the inspiration to be successful. Most of these guys have been there done that and wanted a challenge and canada offers them that challenge. Personally i think you need to wise up and stop throwing your toys out the pram, Maybe i’m wrong, Maybe i’m not, But if i’m a ‘failure’ for wanting to move to canada to drive trucks mainly because its a challenge i’m wanting then so be it. It’ll be me enjoying my life unlike you sat behind the computer screen thinking your some big shot barking your sad pathetic attempts of downing at us :wink:

For all the guys who’ve made it anyway i congratulate you all, And for those that have blogged it down sharing your stories with us, Yet again a big thanks for the inspiration for making me want that challenge even more :grimacing: Oh well, thats my two pence spent :unamused:

Well i guess i don’t need to say anything now seeing as you guys have already put it so eloquently :smiley:
Robbie…why don’t you give us some specifics as to what your experience is. For example have you ever been to Canada and if so who did what to you? Then perhaps we could discuss it.
Believe me, you will not get any respect on here for shouting your mouth off in such a childish manner.

I think his only experience of Canada is a photgraph of Shania Twain and a box of kleenex… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I think his only experience of Canada is a photgraph of Shania Twain and a box of kleenex… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

LOL :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: That is hilarious :laughing:

I think his only experience of Canada is a photgraph of Shania Twain and a box of kleenex… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:cry: :cry: Whats so funny about that, many a good night out of that :blush: :wink:


I think his only experience of Canada is a photgraph of Shania Twain and a box of kleenex… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:cry: :cry: Whats so funny about that, many a good night out of that :blush: :wink:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


I think his only experience of Canada is a photgraph of Shania Twain and a box of kleenex… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:cry: :cry: Whats so funny about that, many a good night out of that :blush: :wink:

Yeah but we moved out here because we had some hope… rroooooobbbiiieeiiieeiiee only has fantasies… :laughing: :laughing:

I did try it with Avrils pic, but she is so young I felt a bit pervy… :laughing: :laughing: :open_mouth:



I think his only experience of Canada is a photgraph of Shania Twain and a box of kleenex… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:cry: :cry: Whats so funny about that, many a good night out of that :blush: :wink:

Yeah but we moved out here because we had some hope… rroooooobbbiiieeiiieeiiee only has fantasies… :laughing: :laughing:

I did try it with Avrils pic, but she is so young I felt a bit pervy… :laughing: :laughing: :open_mouth:

Maybe he should try a picture of Bryan Adams :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Nah, Jim Carrey… You know, when he is pulling those funny faces.

Rrrooobbiieebbeeiiee can make believe it is passion!!
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

My God.Have you learned nothing.Canada and Canadian trucking jobs are the absolute worst!Only fools tread where angels fear to go.DO NOT GO THERE!!! I assume you are not British as we live in the best country in the world.If you tell me which part of Africa you are from I can maybe help you get into the UK,but I am not promising anything.

well,Robbie i´m a portuguese professional(petrol tankers professional)i´ve a full english licence and until know i haven´t seen how great is this country.
Had almost 3 months wayting for an exchange licence and wasn´t the major problem,because in portugal was a great professional,here,i am treated like “nothing”.I came to England for work,not to ask the government any help.