Can you speed up when being overtaken now?

Monday morning, M5 north coming up to Jnc 4a. I’m overtaking a car transporter, when he gets over the brow of the hill he speeds up. Not a problem for me as I’m in the middle lane and as I want the M42 I can do this from the middle lane. Car transporter driver wants the M5 north so has to pull in behind me. I pull over into left hand lane and as driver goes past he’s on the horn and giving me the ■■■■■■■■■■■■ signal. Now I didn’t know he wanted to go northbound and as he was the one that speeded up when being overtaken I’d have thought he was in the wrong.
Now I know some people dont like reg numbers posted on here so I will say he worked for ECM and I think the reg began with J7.
When I mentioned it to a couple of our drivers they said wait until you see the lorry parked up and use a screwdriver down the side of the brand new cars which the driver will get the blame for which made me think that this is a bit stupid on the part of the transporter driver!

When I mentioned it to a couple of our drivers they said wait until you see the lorry parked up and use a screwdriver down the side of the brand new cars which the driver will get the blame for which made me think that this is a bit stupid on the part of the transporter driver!

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

a bit extreme just thump him. :smiling_imp:

Monday morning, M5 north coming up to Jnc 4a. I’m overtaking a car transporter, when he gets over the brow of the hill he speeds up. Not a problem for me as I’m in the middle lane and as I want the M42 I can do this from the middle lane. Car transporter driver wants the M5 north so has to pull in behind me. I pull over into left hand lane and as driver goes past he’s on the horn and giving me the ■■■■■■■■■■■■ signal. Now I didn’t know he wanted to go northbound and as he was the one that speeded up when being overtaken I’d have thought he was in the wrong.
Now I know some people dont like reg numbers posted on here so I will say he worked for ECM and I think the reg began with J7.
When I mentioned it to a couple of our drivers they said wait until you see the lorry parked up and use a screwdriver down the side of the brand new cars which the driver will get the blame for which made me think that this is a bit stupid on the part of the transporter driver!

dont do it ron if hes carrying any silver merc coupe. , idont want it scratching before i get it :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation:

Monday morning, M5 north coming up to Jnc 4a. I’m overtaking a car transporter, when he gets over the brow of the hill he speeds up. Not a problem for me as I’m in the middle lane and as I want the M42 I can do this from the middle lane. Car transporter driver wants the M5 north so has to pull in behind me. I pull over into left hand lane and as driver goes past he’s on the horn and giving me the ■■■■■■■■■■■■ signal. Now I didn’t know he wanted to go northbound and as he was the one that speeded up when being overtaken I’d have thought he was in the wrong.
Now I know some people dont like reg numbers posted on here so I will say he worked for ECM and I think the reg began with J7.
When I mentioned it to a couple of our drivers they said wait until you see the lorry parked up and use a screwdriver down the side of the brand new cars which the driver will get the blame for which made me think that this is a bit stupid on the part of the transporter driver!

It happens all day every day.
Just smile and wave…
They really hate that :smiley:

When I mentioned it to a couple of our drivers they said wait until you see the lorry parked up and use a screwdriver down the side of the brand new cars which the driver will get the blame for which made me think that this is a bit stupid on the part of the transporter driver!

Childish :unamused: also cause probs for too many innocent people. (Car dealers - new owners etc)

The driver would not know who had done it so you would not have the pleasure of telling him why.
So much better to confront him face to face and tell him he is an idiot and report him for bad driving. A lot less cowardly too.

2 Wrongs don’t make a right. I had something simular a couple of years ago, i joined the A14 at newmarket from norwich, another driver coming up from Bury street Edmunds ended up in lane 2. As we approached the bank just before the A142 he lost some power so i gained on him, so as not to undertake him i backed off enough to give him the edge, that was met with a torrent of abuse thru the glass and on the CB. How was i to know that he wanted to come off on to the142. I backed off and allowed him in and politely over the CB apologised to which i recieved more abuse. No matter how i tried to explain that i’d made an innocent mistake he wasn’t gracious enough to accept my apology. So i rang his employer! Explained the sorry tale to him and asked him to try on my behalf to put right this misunderstanding and that i didn’t think i deserved the mouthful that i recieved. A few hours later the haulier rang back, firstly thanking me for my call and then told me that his driver now accepted my misjudgement and sent his apologies to me for his behaviour.

We are all human and we all make mistakes from time to time and if someone waves to you (styles vary) its polite to smile and wave back :sunglasses:

When I mentioned it to a couple of our drivers they said wait until you see the lorry parked up and use a screwdriver down the side of the brand new cars which the driver will get the blame for which made me think that this is a bit stupid on the part of the transporter driver!

If you have a problem with the driver have it out with him not his load thats just being a [zb] :exclamation: :unamused:

(Edited for a censor dodge. If you need to put stars in or miss spell a word to get it past the auto-censor, take that as a hint it isn’t allowed and use a different word. Simon)

jessicas dad:

When I mentioned it to a couple of our drivers they said wait until you see the lorry parked up and use a screwdriver down the side of the brand new cars which the driver will get the blame for which made me think that this is a bit stupid on the part of the transporter driver!

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

a bit extreme

:smiley: :confused: :confused:


just thump him. :smiling_imp:

:open_mouth: :confused: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I didn’t say I was going to scratch any cars-I said what a couple of our drivers said they would do.

Monday morning, M5 north coming up to Jnc 4a. I’m overtaking a car transporter, when he gets over the brow of the hill he speeds up. Not a problem for me as I’m in the middle lane and as I want the M42 I can do this from the middle lane. Car transporter driver wants the M5 north so has to pull in behind me. I pull over into left hand lane and as driver goes past he’s on the horn and giving me the ■■■■■■■■■■■■ signal. Now I didn’t know he wanted to go northbound and as he was the one that speeded up when being overtaken I’d have thought he was in the wrong.
Now I know some people dont like reg numbers posted on here so I will say he worked for ECM and I think the reg began with J7.
When I mentioned it to a couple of our drivers they said wait until you see the lorry parked up and use a screwdriver down the side of the brand new cars which the driver will get the blame for which made me think that this is a bit stupid on the part of the transporter driver!

just another day :unamused: ■■■■ happens :laughing: :laughing:

There are some freaks out on the road. Dont let them offload THEIR attitude problem onto you and cause you to have a bad day. Just ignore them and get on with your work, they are rarely worth the aggro.

Its them with the problem, not you.

why does everyone get so annoyed by this.i have pulled into the middle lane many times to let trucks on which then put the foot down and left me stuck in the middle lane.
i couldnt care less.
i just stay there until he passes me or i can sandwich him behind a slower moving vehicle on the inside lane.
at this stage i am laughing.
i wouldnt get irritated to the point of damaging his load.
id probably forget about it in 2 minutes.
they will learn someday how to drive properly.

It is irritating though Greg. If i’m the one on the inside, i just sit at 50 for a while to allow them to pass me, even i then find that i have a higher limited speed and am able to pass them again after. Politeness costs nothing.

Politeness costs nothing.

:slight_smile: too true, car drivers seem to be even worse for it though, especially older ones. They sit in the inside lane doing 50mph so, you swing out to overtake them and they promptly match your speed, normally as they disappear in your blind spot :open_mouth: so you drop back behind them - and you’re back to 50mph!!! (I’m unrestricted at the moment by the way, so can do 60)

Bet they’re good with pancakes :wink: