Can you guess what it is yet?

AIRCRAFT EJECTOR SEAT :question: :confused:

bit more down to earth…

furturistic merc?


Up close it looked more like a Lada, the panel fit was very poor and rust all over it. Took us 15 mins to find the door :open_mouth: Not sure the mirrors are in keeping with the whole look.



its a [zb] merc!id recognise that poxy wheel n stem anywhere,u can see where its been rubbin the drivers knees!..axor ww2 revenge! :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:

If you need to substitute letters, take that as a hint it isn’t allowed. Simon

drew. bit of an off the topic question (im sorry) but who is the sauter bus driver with you?


wiper motor looks like a blind spot? whole thing is [zb] ugly…

If you need to substitute letters, take that as a hint it isn’t allowed. Simon


fantastic, tell him mat with the stupid hair from dancing on ice sends his kind regards! bit it up in a gods kitchen stylee!!

When the wiper speed is at max it will take off…

I will pass on the comment to Colin… he is a good driver, always get a good nights sleep with him driving. We had Ratty from Stardes driving the truck, class fella, him and Colin together was priceless.



The front registration plate provided a good clue. “KA” are the German registration letters for Karlsruhe- there’s a Merc factory nearby :wink:

Regarding the mirrors: It’s possible that they had problems getting type approval. The German TÃœV system is notoriously strict. The sort of mirrors seen on modern coaches might have looked better though…

Excellent pics BTW.


It’s a shame I didn’t see this earlier. (Blame ntl :unamused: ) The front registration plate provided a good clue. “KA” are the German registration letters for Karlsruhe- there’s a Merc factory nearby :wink:

Regarding the mirrors: It’s possible that Merc had problems getting type approval. The German TÃœV system is notoriously strict. The sort of mirrors seen on modern coaches might have looked better though…

Excellent pics BTW.

i remember years ago seein this truck in a truck magazine, cant believe its ben pressed into service finally!

Karlsruhe was the city we were in… all falling into place. We were in the concert hall and this was parked outside what looked like an exibition hall. Not sure it was in a state to show, it looks very rough around the edges.

I cannot imagine driving it day in day out… however if I did it would have a frilly curtain borders, roof bar with spots, bull bars and looking at it there may not be enough blue lights in the world to do this justice.
