Can Wages Get Much Worse

This is an ad I just saw looking for drivers for uk-irl work.
90 EURO per day ! Must be a wind up ?

FAS Jobs Ireland; Job Details Link

OHH yes lol i got offered a job with a well know irish removals firm and the pay was… E6.50 an hour and that was for class 1 work… He offered me the job straight away but was too busy trying not to laugh at home to accept it.

OHH yes lol i got offered a job with a well know irish removals firm and the pay was… E6.50 an hour and that was for class 1 work… He offered me the job straight away but was too busy trying not to laugh at home to accept it.

The going rate around here…west Wales seems to be around just over £6 per hour…What’s that like?

Ader1 wrote

The going rate around here…west Wales seems to be around just over £6 per hour…What’s that like?


In 2002 I was on a 6 wheeler occasionally pulling a drag, I was on £6.50 an hour then.
So in answer to your question . IT’S CRAP. :imp: :imp:

Just been talking to the guy parked up next to me and he’s on the the princley sum of £ 5.90 an hour for driving a wagon and drag shifting fencing, must be mad to work for that rate especially as he was saying he does 4 nights out as well

I wouldnt work for that , I’m lucky as my gaffer pays a decent rate

my lads get about 10 quid an hour.

It not a wind-up :unamused:

That’s why I had spent ages on the rock ‘n’ roll. €198 a week for doing nowt seems more attractive.

Last agency work I was doing was €13ph on concrete bottles and now doing €14ph on rigids.

90 yoyos a day is utter ■■■■■■ Better off being on the buses.

earlier this year i did a tipper job for 6,50 ph, and just left a class 1 for 7,25ph, the class 1 involved loading and unloading,

me and the misses have been offered jobs at the same place, same shifts for 6,50ph, not much, but i’m not out on the road getting stuck in traffic, and alsorts of other crap.

“Can Wages Get Much Worse .”

If it wasn’t for the minimum wage, I reckon you would see jobs paying under £5 per hour.
It’s an employer’s market,there’s plenty of cheap immigrant labour willing to do it if you don’t.

David, youre lookin in the wrong places if thats what your comin across. You’d be aswell off drivin for your neighbour Phelan!
Go muckshiftin. You’ll start on €700 home.

Im on about £8.15 an hour… hard to work out though as its made up of different allowances…

thats for class 2 multidrop in devon, 40 hour week, mon to fri, plus overtime at time and half.

“Can Wages Get Much Worse .”

If it wasn’t for the minimum wage, I reckon you would see jobs paying under £5 per hour.

You probably would, but i don’t think they’d be for HGV drivers.

The original concept of the minimum wage was a good one, and there’s no doubt whatsoever that it’s given a lot of decent hard-working people a better take-home. The unfortunate trade-off is that over time,it’s eroded pay differentials to the extent that the driver is now paid the same as the bloke who sweeps the factory floor.

I saw an ad that was paying cleaners £12 an hour, and they said you should of stayed in school get better qualified, that seems pretty good to me for a cleaner, i cant find anything close to it!

I was out with a 2nd man the other day. On our day rates he was getting 81p a hour less than me after tax. He didnt even have a car licence. All he had to do was help in taking 14 cages off a supermarket with an uneven loading area.

…they said you should of stayed in school get better qualified…

Or maybe ‘…they said one should have had further education to achieve better qualifications…’

‘They’ may have had a point ; )

The only thing that provides many truckers with a half decent take home pay at the end of the month is the monster hours some of us do. Cleaners and factory workers may only do 8 hours a day, compared to 12-15 for us!