Can I assume

The exclusive members club is still as exclusive as before.

Obviously not, you’ve got free and unfettered access. Oh dear :joy::joy::joy:

Tbh it’s been so long since I’ve routinely clicked on TNUK Ive lost interest and it’s no longer a forum that I would automatically click on to read, and the new format has compounded this by being overly complicated

I’m only back on herr again because I got an e.mail telling me Frangers had responded to my post…
Maybe it will be the only times I return, as I no longer have a desire to come on hete randomly anymore.

Btw…how tf did that e.mail notification come about exactly ?(please dont expain btw I aint interested and I wont be around here much longer…(not dying, just dont like the new site)

I’ll just get this out of the way first…
Happy retirement Frangers, I’ve actually missed you in a funny sort of way (how tf do you do a lol emoji now)

Dont waste all your free time downloading boring effin links aboot how crap Brexit has been manipulated to its present state (joking btw) take up stamp collecting instead, or get a social life,.start afternoon drinking and watch some football (wink emoji/lol emoji)

Speaking of drinking, and to please Frangers I am going to go into ‘full on drama Queen’’ …(maybe for the last time, who knows?) so here goes get yer string of pearls ready Frangers.

My take on the new Trucknet is this…
New Trucknet, gospel according to Rob.

A good analogy of TN is yer favourite boozer.

Good friends in there… and a couple of guys you spat with from time to time, maybe some you have even exchanged blows a couple of times in the past, so are wary of each other.

Maybe they do good home cooked food, extensive menu … with cheap pints of bitter.

A good juke box playing everything from Shalamar to Bon Jovi, …and a pool table.

Sky Sports or a snide dodgy firestick the landlord provides for the regulars to watch the 3 o clock kick offs.

Long great conversations have gone on there in that boozer, amongst like minded people, you have actuall become good mates with (in real life) and debates with guys who are totally different to you in ways and personality.

All heaven on earth to the regulars/what is not to like, life is good.


Old landlord moves on.

New crew come in, tear the effin place apart beyond recognition…to ‘improve it’ as only THEY see it…(but NOBODY else shares that view.)

Life in that pub changes for the old regulars.
No more good food, and instead of a mixed grill or a steak, it’s raw fish, as it is a Sushi specialist menu now ffs.

No more John Smiths at £3.80 a pint, it is bottles of Peruvian Lager drank through a slice of lime in top of bottle at 8 quid a pop.

Juke box replaced with piped music of traditional folk tunes of the world.

Pool table gone.

And no football…or tv !!

So the old regulars, (the people who gave the pub character) visit it once…maybe twice, and then are never seen again as it is now an abortive cluster f*** of a place, to be avoided in most opinions.

The new clientelle are young techy types who discuss new computrr programes and games…(or sat navs lol) who drink one bottle of lager and the f off home or to the gym, leaving the place empty most of the rest of the day and night.

Yeah ok, I know ott and dramatic, I did warn you…but surely you get my drift?

Lets hope the owners do, and take notice and change back to a similar format to the old one before the tegulars get sick and as in the pub, or it will be RIP Trucknet.

Just MY opinion…
What about yours?
I aint done a mincing flounce off YET, I’ll keep checking in on this discussion.

(What about you Dave mate, slightlly offended or have you took it in your normal tactful way as constructive criticism and food for thought…or got it doen as 'Rob gobbing off again on TN :smile: ?

‘The members are revolting’…lol.

And evidently reading back that post the spell checker aint working either.

I ned te git thet serted.

In the reply box, when you are typing a reply you will find the emoji button (greyyed out smiley face) Behind that you will find a multitude of emojis robroy, and as a heavy emoji user, surely that feature will have you coming back for more :sweat_smile: :cowboy_hat_face: :boom: :speech_balloon: :facepunch:

I must say, it’s growing on me a little bit, but I miss the grey. Anyone else? It’s too white.

well thanks for that, this site best used when sober i think :smile:
Lets hope this week the Mods / owners read and take onboard some of the comments , or at the very least have a how to navigate the site thread, still cant find stuff though.
Sunday Lunch beckons and of course the nap in front of the telly.

You know your name pops up when you click on your avatar?

Are you Winseer in disguise?

I`m on “solarized white”, a sort of neutral magnolia background…
No need for :sunglasses: nor :carrot:

Oh come on Rob embrace the change and dont be a stick in the mud.

I’m sure you will get the hang on things if you stick around long enough.

I actually ike reading some (maybe even most) of your posts to be fair.

Give it a chance and before you know it will be as if it’s always been this way.

Or alternatively you can flounce off but if you do, can you do a proper flounce please??


I saw that but I assumed that was only visible to the sender. Oh well, back into the settings it is then.

He will. Someone who had 20k+ posts on old TN couldn’t go cold turkey and do without it, he’s just taking the curmudgeonly stance of complaining about stuff that has changed, in fact I bet right now he’s saying “this part of t’inty net were all fields when I were a lad…” :laughing:

Cold turkey eh?..nah, ok sure I admittedlly missed it yeah, but after first few weeks I never gave it a second thought until Maoster told me it was back on, …he will tell you I just lost interest.

As for being a stick in the mud?..
Thing is I actually like change in anything if it is an actual improvement, and/or a better system…where as this clearly aint.
A bit like miror cams for example.

Call me old fashioned but what is wrong with an index system of categories, you select one of said categories, and choose a thread to post on as before…simples.
Why make things complicated for the sake of it…presumably some child with a degree just show boating and trying to impress?

Why did they not just build the site around that old system which proved beyond doubt to work.
How can anybody say this is a better more simpler way of doing things.

My arsey nature just tells me not to fall into the trap of jumping through the hoops and complying with needless procedures…as in real life situations.

Hey!..maybe I will warm to it… but very much doubt it,.maybe I will also stop fancying blonde women, become tee total, religious and support Sunderland in the same

I’ll go with it for a time until I get ■■■■■■ off,bored or both, but I certainly aint as eager as I was once, and judging by the majority of opinions,.how many just wont even do that and call it a day.

On a computor rather than a phone? All the old categories are still there. All running down the centre of the home page. Recent posts are on the right and up to you to look or not depending on the subject.
Mind you, if you`re one of da yoof wid yur fones out in the pub like innit, I can be of no assistance dear chap.

Thank you!

Is it possible to set the replies to be threaded as it’s not always obvious who is talking to who in the thread until you look for the little reply icon top right of post?

Not in pub today mate, too bloody wild out there even for me,…and I dont go on TN if I am in pub.
However I do go on TN always via my phone, I dont use a computer.

Want to try replying to this? See what happens.

I’ll give it a go

So I just tried to post the phrase I’ll give it a go and apparently a post has to exceed 20 characters, which is why I added this bit on!

same as the old system it nests the replies