Camera van - will I get done?

Driving from near Glasgow to Mallaig, on Monday 27th May in an 18 tonne rigid, (class 1 driver) doing 50 mph on A82 at Rannoch Moor when I clocked a camera van about half to three quarters of a mile away on a long straight stretch of road, natural instinct was to brake, got it down to under 40 mph.
Don’t know if I’ll get done or not, Unite the union will pay the £60 fine but I’ll get 3 points on a clean license.
Two Ferguson’s of Spean Bridge lorries had just passed me (coming from opposite direction) and didn’t warn me as to the camera van, not their fault if I was speeding I understand but don’t we all follow the same rule and look out for one another, I know I do.
The camera van was operated by Northern Speed Camera Partnership, NSCP not the Police. It states on their website that they will say where they shall be located during each week however this site was not one of them, angry with myself as was proud of clean license.

maybe , maybe not, depends if the bloke was awake or not , he might of been reading the used van copy of razzle and he might of missed ya

What gets me is the amount on here that moan about doing 40mph on a single carrageway,
Then you find a kojak with kodak and bam ,

If you were three quarters of a mile away when you slowed down to 40mph. Slower isn’t neccesary 40/41 will be fine, then I think you would be extremely unlucky to be ticketed. Especially with other traffic about ie; the Ferguson’s lads who probably thought that the van was so prominent that you didn’t need warning. Their equipment may be good but a number plate at three quarters of a mile is unlikely. Afaia they train their lenses/equipment on fixed spots on the road (not neccesarily visible to you or I) to get a fix for the detector equipment. As ever I stand to be corrected…

The camera is just evidential. They need 2 corroborating pieces of evidence to successfully endorse your licence. The second piece of evidence is the camera operator them self (one of the reasons safety camera partnerships don’t work at night or in poor visibility). Despite why many think, they don’t point it at every vehicle that passes hoping that one is above the limit. The camera operator has to have suspicion you are speeding before activating the camera on you.
It’s more than possible as you were in a truck that they didn’t bother.
As far as the comments about you being 3/4 of a mile away - the cameras work at this range.
(All of the above is as explained to me by a camera operator on a ‘public event’ day.

You ask this question as if we all work for NSCP :laughing:

Sorry to poke fun but it’s like driving past a fixed speed camera and stopping a lady on a bike to ask if your are gonna get a ticket :laughing:
I hope you get away with it, in my opinion doing 50 in a riddiculously low 40 mph limit outside if any town, village or built up area is in no way unsafe, it’s just a way to generate money from fines.
For one thing they hae to allow a certain percentage for speedometer error.

In this country most state police will allow you 9 miles and hour over the limit out of a built up area except Vermont who are a backwards state and only allow 5 over.
I have driven past a Massachusettes state trooper on the Mass pike and 15 over the limit and they just grin and wave :laughing:

Just not worth the hassle…says 40mph…i allways just popped the cruise on…same in the 30mph…only points you get for speeding are on your licence…not brownie points. :confused:

The camera operator has to have suspicion you are speeding before activating the camera on you.

Legally yes but reality may be different. That’s just my opinion though.

I know someone who worked in the camera vans and the limit was set to trigger at exactly 50mph for HGV’s on A roads.
On Motorways they didn’t bother clocking trucks.

Back windows have to be open to be ‘‘active’’. Often they use the vans with the windows closed just as a deterrent.

Unite the union will pay the £60 fine


I spoke with a camera van operator at a steam show and i think he said he can’t pick you up until 500yds and he has to trigger you over a 300yd distance for a conviction .


Unite the union will pay the £60 fine


that’s what i was wondering :unamused:


Unite the union will pay the £60 fine


No chance!!

I got done a few year back doing 43 in a 40 out in the sticks near Whitchurch and the van was facing the opposite direction to me :blush: :blush: :blush:

Can i join? Do they pay other fines too?

Yes thats a regular spot on the A41 at whitchurch after the Esso garage.

Just not worth the hassle…says 40mph…i allways just popped the cruise on…same in the 30mph…only points you get for speeding are on your licence…not brownie points. :confused:

Me too, then you don’t get posts whinging about getting done for speeding :unamused: you still get posts about being held up though :smiling_imp:



Unite the union will pay the £60 fine


No chance!!

I guess it’ll be a scheme you pay into?

GMB Union do similar for 25p a week…

Hi guys, it appears some of you may think that unite will not pay my fine however they will pay 2 fines per annum at my place of work. Another driver was fined once for speeding and another once for illegal parking, he paid the fines then sent the receipts to Unite head office in Bath Street, Glasgow and was refunded he obviously still got points on his licence though. I also contacted Unite Glasgow yesterday and confirmed they will refund me should I be fined. I don’t know if this is a local agreement with my workplace and the union or if it is accepted nationally. I have no reason to lie.

So that’s where union fees go is it :unamused:

Send off for another licence before they add the points.
can’t you just say your wife was driving? :laughing: