Camera counting today

Today I was bored, so decided to count the number of speed cameras on my regular run from Glasgow airport to Aberdeen airport.

Total of 17 on the northbound run, and another 15 on the run home, so a total of 32 :open_mouth: On a run of about 520 kms.

Eleven of them are on the northbound A90 between Dundee and Aberdeen, and another 10 southbound on the same stretch. I am not including 2 sets of roadworks between Perth and Dundee which have 40 mph average speed cameras just now.

I donā€™t do much mileage down south; but in Scotland this must be one of the highest concentrations of cameras.


heard on the radio tother day that the DURHAM FORCE have no speed camera,s.


Today I was bored, so decided to count the number of speed cameras on my regular run from Glasgow airport to Aberdeen airport.

Total of 17 on the northbound run, and another 15 on the run home, so a total of 32 :open_mouth: On a run of about 520 kms.

Eleven of them are on the northbound A90 between Dundee and Aberdeen, and another 10 southbound on the same stretch. I am not including 2 sets of roadworks between Perth and Dundee which have 40 mph average speed cameras just now.

I donā€™t do much mileage down south; but in Scotland this must be one of the highest concentrations of cameras.


You think thatā€™s bad? Between Hull and Market Weighton on the A1079, thereā€™s over 30. On a 6 mile stretch of it, thereā€™s nearly a dozen.

heard on the radio tother day that the DURHAM FORCE have no speed camera,s.


I believe County Durham has only ONE fixed scamera, and North Yorks pretty much the same.

YET, these two counties have the lowest speed related accidents.

Thats even stranger.

Perhaps, it could have something to do with the fact they still have REAL TRAFFIC PLODS on the road, and no-one knows where theyā€™ll be from day to day.
They also believe in the ā€œAcid Lectureā€.
They are quite happy if someone is slightly over the limit, but otherwise driving safely, yet they will also pull you if youā€™re driving too slow for the conditions and causing a rolling obstruction.

If you go over to the Safe Speed website, there is at least one Traffic plod on there from Durham, and a good number of other traf plods as well.
Safe speed has just recently opened up a forum for Truck Drivers, and are full supporters of good truck drivers.

August 2004 at 3pm I was leaving Birtley to join A1 Northbound as you climb up the hill I speeded up to find the Van parked on the grass verge was a camera Van (Never noticed it until NIP arrived, asked for photo and yep it was my car 33 mph in 30 MPH limit :blush: :blush: So much for the 10% + 2mph margin

June 11th 2006 A17 west bound 03:47 easing off for Swineshead bridge 43mph and dropping for 40 mph limit (Yes I know the whole of the A17 is 40 mph for trucks except Dual carriageway section at Sleaford) Flashed and NIP issued

June 13th A1 Northbound pulling Double deck trailer with only 7 inch ground clearance getting blown to hell approaching Cockburnspath at 40 mph with wind blowing directly off North Sea so decided to speed up to create slip stream to deflect cross winds, flashed again at 48mph 19:47pm

Why did I not stop? well 2 reasons, firstly only the areas open to the sea were affected and secondly if Iā€™d stopped it was litterally creating a 16ft x 40ft wall to be battered by the wind.

June 22nd A1 North Bound at East Reston 14 or 15 cars behind me 3 of which are determined to be past even to the point of pulling out into the paths of oncoming traffic almost causing devestation, so like a fool I decided to speed up to 50mp to reach the dual carriageway 2 miles ahead, yep flashed again at 20.37hrs speed 48 mph Why did I not pull in? Simply no empty lay byā€™s as overnighters were parked in all 2 of them

So now its an appearance at Duns Magistrates where no doubt there will be a ban issued but what the hell, Iā€™ve decided its now time to consider getting out of driving trucks, the Government seem determined to make the transport industry the hardest and most stressful industry to work in, we stick to the speed limit we are damned by the other motorists, we break the speed limits we are damned by the Police scamera partnership. We will soon need a CPC to say that we can do the job that weā€™ve done for years,

All I can say is that 'm glad Iā€™m appearing in court in front of magistrates to give my reasons for breaking the speed limits instead of appearing in front of a coroner to explain why idiots were forced to pass me by pulling out into the paths of oncoming cars resulting in serious injuries if not deaths because of the ridiculous speed limits in place on ā€œAā€ Roads

A 17 ton truck is limited to 40mph regardless of whether its carrying livestock or goods, yet a Double Decker bus can travel at 50 mph despite carrying something like 72 Humans on board, its a crazy world we live in.

Now let him / her who has not sinned cast the first stone :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

heard on the radio tother day that the DURHAM FORCE have no speed camera,s.


No fixed cameras in Northern Constabulary area,either.

I was travelling down the A9 on Saturday when I was warned about a speed trap by a northbound truck driver. Knowing their usual spots,I eased off a wee bit. Not at the first one so carried on.Finally came across the scamera van 13 miles down the road.Now thatā€™s what I call an advanced warning :exclamation:

on a slightly diferent note
the cameras/roadworks on the M1 j32 - 33 are gone, so normality is resumed


You think thatā€™s bad? Between Hull and Market Weighton on the A1079, thereā€™s over 30. On a 6 mile stretch of it, thereā€™s nearly a dozen.

and have you seen that most of them, are not really pointing in the right (?) direction