Calculating Spanish/French Tolls

This is a good site for costing your expenditure on tolls . Also good for route planning and fuel cost.

Its in French though!
Instructions for those who dont know French

Localité de départ (Departure point) Eg Calais

Localité d’arrivée (Arrivale point) eg Murcia

Distances en (Choose Miles or KMS)

Véhicules : (Select ) Poids Lourds +12T Remorque ou Articulé Diesel
Choose 3 Essieux (3 axles) next to it

Carburant= Diesel

Coût au litre : 0.81 Euros (enter the Euro amount here); YOU CAN PLACE THE AMOUNT IN WHAT CURRENCY YOU USE THOUGH

Indemnités perçues au km ou miles ( LEAVE BLANK) , this is asking what your perceivd costs may be in Kms or Miles

Cols d’altitude (Hills) Eviter (avoid) Autoriser (allow) slect which ojne you want

When done click on Valider! You will get a screen totalling your toll costs, diesel cost, amount of fuel used.
De : Calais (62, France)
A : Murcia (España)

Itinéraire : Express Véhicule : Poids lourd +12t remorque ou articulé
3 essieux
Distance : 1968.6 km Voies express : 1962.3 km
Durée (1) : 21H26
Carburant : 601.83 € (743 l)
Péages (2) : ESP : 73.66 EUR
FRA : 182.50 EUR

sorry forgot the link!!! : :angry:

Its :

This is a good site for costing your expenditure on tolls . Also good for route planning and fuel cost.

Its in French though!

You missed the link on the webpage for the English Version


Well spotted :wink: :wink: So used to doin everything in French!