
it was reported in the sun yesterday 14 11 15 that british truckers will die if our government does not sort out this Calais situation,immigrants are sitting on sofas in the middle of the road and forcing lorries to stop then trying to break into trailers,apart from that they are carrying knives[which is already known anyway]and throwing rocks at windscreens,simple solution,french army and paras or marines from the uk,they wont take any crap off the immigrants,order would soon be restored,i reckon that’s the only way to sort it,immigrants think they have control but faced with French legionnares,british paras and marines they would soon back down,doubt if our respective governments would go down that route though,wishful thinking,i am not a European driver but I feel sorry for the guys who are putting up with that all the time

it was reported in the sun yesterday 14 11 15 that british truckers will die if our government does not sort out this Calais situation,immigrants are sitting on sofas in the middle of the road and forcing lorries to stop then trying to break into trailers,apart from that they are carrying knives[which is already known anyway]and throwing rocks at windscreens,simple solution,french army and paras or marines from the uk,they wont take any crap off the immigrants,order would soon be restored,i reckon that’s the only way to sort it,immigrants think they have control but faced with French legionnares,british paras and marines they would soon back down,doubt if our respective governments would go down that route though,wishful thinking,i am not a European driver but I feel sorry for the guys who are putting up with that all the time

:open_mouth: Wow! has jt got that bad now?
I haven’t done Euro for nearly 6 yrs, I used to see them regularly, but never had any actual threats.
I used to have the bat on the dash in full view as a deterrent but that was as far as it went.

Wtf are the authorities thinking about giving them a free rein like this.
As has been said most of them are young 20+ guys, so leaving aside the possible threat of a hidden agenda, unfortunately for the driver they are of the type that could provide the most potential threat.
A more active Military presence, as you say, would send out the desired message.

What i don’t get is how these “people” (used very loosely!) think stopping a truck and boarding the trailer is actually going to get them across the channel? No one in their right mind is going to board the ferry / channel tunnel knowing they’ve got loads of them onboard, so best they’ll get is dumped at the border with the authorities. Absolutely pointless.

Am wondering, can you get bullbars for trucks? Might give them something to think about if a truck just keeps driving at them and it’d bat the sofa out of the way after they scram!

Alternative to the marines would be a snow plough type truck going through with the others in convoy.

What i don’t get is how these “people” (used very loosely!) think stopping a truck and boarding the trailer is actually going to get them across the channel? No one in their right mind is going to board the ferry / channel tunnel knowing they’ve got loads of them onboard, so best they’ll get is dumped at the border with the authorities. Absolutely pointless.

Am wondering, can you get bullbars for trucks? Might give them something to think about if a truck just keeps driving at them and it’d bat the sofa out of the way after they scram!

Alternative to the marines would be a snow plough type truck going through with the others in convoy.

Something like off an Aussie road train, … sAHQ4uY%3D
and an Aussie accent to shout out the window … “Watch out mate, I’m coming through”

Last time I heard Calais was French lets just take a load of coaches over load em on a boat then sail em all round to the bottom end of the Antarctic and drop em off there .
As I understand it there’s no conflict down there :grimacing:

The French think it’s not their problem and neither does the British government. Meanwhile, thousands of homeless migrants are at the border with absolutely NO CHANCE of getting thourgh, and they are getting more and more desperate. There will eventually be a death, perhaps a trucker or some hapless holidaymaker with their vehicle hijacked. Now, I know that several of the migrants have already died - but nobody cares about that. Well, nobody in power at least. But when that day comes when a citizen is killed in some altercation or other, and it WILL come, there will be lots of wringing of hands and some important people saying how appalling it all is, we will be able to lay the blame squarely at the door of our dearly elected ‘leaders’ for the lack of action. Now, either let those people in, or send them away, but not this madness.

The French think it’s not their problem and neither does the British government. Meanwhile, thousands of homeless migrants are at the border with absolutely NO CHANCE of getting thourgh, and they are getting more and more desperate. There will eventually be a death, perhaps a trucker or some hapless holidaymaker with their vehicle hijacked. Now, I know that several of the migrants have already died - but nobody cares about that. Well, nobody in power at least. But when that day comes when a citizen is killed in some altercation or other, and it WILL come, there will be lots of wringing of hands and some important people saying how appalling it all is, we will be able to lay the blame squarely at the door of our dearly elected ‘leaders’ for the lack of action. Now, either let those people in, or send them away, but not this madness.

No way on this planet should they be let in to the uk, most are not even refugees , and doing so would make the situation at calais even worse as there would be even more drawn to calais then, The French government are responsible they have failed to deport them , and according to French news reports they are regarded as illegal immigrants in France too, why the French people have put up with them so far is beyond belief, about time they all grew some balls and made them as un welcome as they can, all the doo gooders sending old wobble boxes and tents as well as food and clothing should be banned from doing so by the french, as it’s adding to the problems and not helping

Why haven’t the French done something about their illegal immigrants ■■, probably for exactly the same reason as the UK hasn’t, loads of waffle but zero action but the day must surely come, mustn’t it ?

It’s a few weeks since I’ve come back through Calais, it wasn’t to bad that time despite regular attempts by the migrants to storm the tunnel. However with the extra security and winter coming I imagine they’re getting desperate, so nothing they try will surprise me. However I think the French athorities have little interest in getting rid of the camp, it’s to far away from Paris and Calais has very little influence in the corridors of power. To emphersize the point, I did read in a French online paper that they broke up a camp in Paris a couple of months ago, it held about 1200 people, but they seem to do nothing to break up a camp of 6000 people. Maybe recent events will change things?

As for those misguided individuals who send supplies to the “poor refugees”, what they Don’t seem to understand is that they’re not refugees, they don’t have to stay in a smelly cold camp they are in a safe country they can claim asylum.

If I were an illegal I would want to stay as close to the equator as I could get but within Europe … Warmer with winter coming on :slight_smile:

There was a trucker on the radio today saying exactly the same thing, how dangerous it is and how the lives of truckers are being made very serious, with threats of knives, and one immigrant scumbag said he will shoot if the truckers offer resistance.
The French say its not their problem, the English say the same, the French then propose to give them all a visa to get rid of them…let Dave Cameron send a message, pin up leaflets saying There will be NO housing, No Benefits or Welfare for anyone entering the UK illegally
Although the British government say its not their problem, why are they paying the french to build longer and higher fencing, thats not going to keep the immigrants away, nor will it stop them going on the motorway ( which is illegal in itself ) The RHA has tried scaremongering tactics, saying how its affecting deliveries of produce/goods to the UK,. how much produce is being thrown away because its contaminated…still no one takes any notice…On todays news the immigrants have set fire to the camp…so i bet the Pompiers were there at the speed of light, instead of letting it burn, and no doubt the do gooders will be collecting tents and foodstuffs to help them in their plight.

Why haven’t the French done something about their illegal immigrants ■■, probably for exactly the same reason as the UK hasn’t, loads of waffle but zero action but the day must surely come, mustn’t it ?

The same reason as here.Paralysed by the bleeding heart socialist pro immigration cause.Which just leaves the question of an FN majority.In which case I can picture the scene of the Brits moaning about the ‘extremist’ ‘racist’ French chucking out their immigration problem. :unamused:

It’s a few weeks since I’ve come back through Calais, it wasn’t to bad that time despite regular attempts by the migrants to storm the tunnel. However with the extra security and winter coming I imagine they’re getting desperate, so nothing they try will surprise me. However I think the French athorities have little interest in getting rid of the camp, it’s to far away from Paris and Calais has very little influence in the corridors of power. To emphersize the point, I did read in a French online paper that they broke up a camp in Paris a couple of months ago, it held about 1200 people, but they seem to do nothing to break up a camp of 6000 people. Maybe recent events will change things?

As for those misguided individuals who send supplies to the “poor refugees”, what they Don’t seem to understand is that they’re not refugees, they don’t have to stay in a smelly cold camp they are in a safe country they can claim asylum.

It’s like feeding the pigeons at Trafalgar Square. They should put some signs up. Don’t feed the migrants.


It’s a few weeks since I’ve come back through Calais, it wasn’t to bad that time despite regular attempts by the migrants to storm the tunnel. However with the extra security and winter coming I imagine they’re getting desperate, so nothing they try will surprise me. However I think the French athorities have little interest in getting rid of the camp, it’s to far away from Paris and Calais has very little influence in the corridors of power. To emphersize the point, I did read in a French online paper that they broke up a camp in Paris a couple of months ago, it held about 1200 people, but they seem to do nothing to break up a camp of 6000 people. Maybe recent events will change things?

As for those misguided individuals who send supplies to the “poor refugees”, what they Don’t seem to understand is that they’re not refugees, they don’t have to stay in a smelly cold camp they are in a safe country they can claim asylum.

It’s like feeding the pigeons at Trafalgar Square. They should put some signs up. Don’t feed the migrants.

The same goes for the argument about letting them in it would just encourage more to come and put more money in the pockets of the traffickers.

If you want to give to refugees, then give to the ones in the refugee camps in the Lebanon or Turkey or over any other country that borders a country at war.these are the people who have escaped the war, but don’t have the money to pay the traffickers. Alternatively give it to charities who look after the homeless in this country.

It’s a few weeks since I’ve come back through Calais, it wasn’t to bad that time despite regular attempts by the migrants to storm the tunnel. However with the extra security and winter coming I imagine they’re getting desperate, so nothing they try will surprise me. However I think the French athorities have little interest in getting rid of the camp, it’s to far away from Paris and Calais has very little influence in the corridors of power. To emphersize the point, I did read in a French online paper that they broke up a camp in Paris a couple of months ago, it held about 1200 people, but they seem to do nothing to break up a camp of 6000 people. Maybe recent events will change things?

As for those misguided individuals who send supplies to the “poor refugees”, what they Don’t seem to understand is that they’re not refugees, they don’t have to stay in a smelly cold camp they are in a safe country they can claim asylum.

Serious question, how would you describe the demographics of the camp, ie. male / female / age etc ■■ I know what the media show but wondering what the truth is ?

The French think it’s not their problem and neither does the British government. Meanwhile, thousands of homeless migrants are at the border with absolutely NO CHANCE of getting thourgh, and they are getting more and more desperate. There will eventually be a death, perhaps a trucker or some hapless holidaymaker with their vehicle hijacked. Now, I know that several of the migrants have already died - but nobody cares about that. Well, nobody in power at least. But when that day comes when a citizen is killed in some altercation or other, and it WILL come, there will be lots of wringing of hands and some important people saying how appalling it all is, we will be able to lay the blame squarely at the door of our dearly elected ‘leaders’ for the lack of action. Now, either let those people in, or send them away, but not this madness.

send them away,the majority of the uk do not want them[from what I have seen on various sites anyway]


The French think it’s not their problem and neither does the British government. Meanwhile, thousands of homeless migrants are at the border with absolutely NO CHANCE of getting thourgh, and they are getting more and more desperate. There will eventually be a death, perhaps a trucker or some hapless holidaymaker with their vehicle hijacked. Now, I know that several of the migrants have already died - but nobody cares about that. Well, nobody in power at least. But when that day comes when a citizen is killed in some altercation or other, and it WILL come, there will be lots of wringing of hands and some important people saying how appalling it all is, we will be able to lay the blame squarely at the door of our dearly elected ‘leaders’ for the lack of action. Now, either let those people in, or send them away, but not this madness.

send them away,the majority of the uk do not want them[from what I have seen on various sites anyway]

BNP■■? EDL?? UKIP■■? :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Bluey Circles:

It’s a few weeks since I’ve come back through Calais, it wasn’t to bad that time despite regular attempts by the migrants to storm the tunnel. However with the extra security and winter coming I imagine they’re getting desperate, so nothing they try will surprise me. However I think the French athorities have little interest in getting rid of the camp, it’s to far away from Paris and Calais has very little influence in the corridors of power. To emphersize the point, I did read in a French online paper that they broke up a camp in Paris a couple of months ago, it held about 1200 people, but they seem to do nothing to break up a camp of 6000 people. Maybe recent events will change things?

As for those misguided individuals who send supplies to the “poor refugees”, what they Don’t seem to understand is that they’re not refugees, they don’t have to stay in a smelly cold camp they are in a safe country they can claim asylum.

Serious question, how would you describe the demographics of the camp, ie. male / female / age etc ■■ I know what the media show but wondering what the truth is ?

Well having never been to camps I can’t answer for sure, but when I’ve been unfortunate enough to be queued up in Calais, the majority seem to be young men, mostly under 30 years old and a few that look really young, 14 15 year olds. Then there are a few older men and a few young women. I’ve have never seen any group that looks like a family unit.
The other thing is very few seem to look like they’re from the Middle East, mostly I’d guess they were African.
If I think it’s safe I have wound my window down and spoken to a few of them, just because I’m curious as to why they have decided to go to Calais and are trying to get into the UK. Basically they believe they are going to get rich in the UK, and they aren’t really interested in claiming asylum, they’ve been sold a dream of great riches working in the UK, I think our problem isn’t so much the benefits system, but the fact we have a black economy where you can disappear into and not get traced and if you are caught the process for deporting seems to be long winded and as they are rarely held in custody they can disappear into the black economy again.

And far from the image the likes of the BBC would have you believe, I’m sure they not all nice people who are escaping tyranny and are really qualified doctors and dentists who be an asset to our country if we only let them in.



The French think it’s not their problem and neither does the British government. Meanwhile, thousands of homeless migrants are at the border with absolutely NO CHANCE of getting thourgh, and they are getting more and more desperate. There will eventually be a death, perhaps a trucker or some hapless holidaymaker with their vehicle hijacked. Now, I know that several of the migrants have already died - but nobody cares about that. Well, nobody in power at least. But when that day comes when a citizen is killed in some altercation or other, and it WILL come, there will be lots of wringing of hands and some important people saying how appalling it all is, we will be able to lay the blame squarely at the door of our dearly elected ‘leaders’ for the lack of action. Now, either let those people in, or send them away, but not this madness.

send them away,the majority of the uk do not want them[from what I have seen on various sites anyway]

BNP■■? EDL?? UKIP■■? :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

there’s no need for someone to visit any of those web sites to know that they are not wanted or welcome in the uk , but seeing as you are pro terrorist, maybe you will house and pay for their every need out of your own pocket as well as pay your taxes ect as normal ? no, i thought not, please dont expect ther rest of us to do that whilst watching our culture.freedoms and our high streets change for the worse or disappear,

And further to that oxfam have the brass neck to even ask for £3.00 donations for Syrian refugees "text water"Migrant crisis: UK pledges extra £100m aid for Syrians - BBC News from the bias left wing bs ters so probably a lot more in reality Do they really think we are that ■■■■■■■ dumb the cheeky fockers this boils my ■■■■ oxfam F…off!!!

tommy t:



The French think it’s not their problem and neither does the British government. Meanwhile, thousands of homeless migrants are at the border with absolutely NO CHANCE of getting thourgh, and they are getting more and more desperate. There will eventually be a death, perhaps a trucker or some hapless holidaymaker with their vehicle hijacked. Now, I know that several of the migrants have already died - but nobody cares about that. Well, nobody in power at least. But when that day comes when a citizen is killed in some altercation or other, and it WILL come, there will be lots of wringing of hands and some important people saying how appalling it all is, we will be able to lay the blame squarely at the door of our dearly elected ‘leaders’ for the lack of action. Now, either let those people in, or send them away, but not this madness.

send them away,the majority of the uk do not want them[from what I have seen on various sites anyway]

BNP■■? EDL?? UKIP■■? :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

there’s no need for someone to visit any of those web sites to know that they are not wanted or welcome in the uk , but seeing as you are pro terrorist, maybe you will house and pay for their every need out of your own pocket as well as pay your taxes ect as normal ? no, i thought not, please dont expect ther rest of us to do that whilst watching our culture.freedoms and our high streets change for the worse or disappear,

And further to that oxfam have the brass neck to even ask for £3.00 donations for Syrian refugees "text water"Migrant crisis: UK pledges extra £100m aid for Syrians - BBC News from the bias left wing bs ters so probably a lot more in reality Do they really think we are that [zb] dumb the cheeky fockers this boils my ■■■■ oxfam F…off!!!

who says i am pro terrorist■■?

i may be anti terrorist yes… along with anti racism

and hate bigots and xenophobes

but i reckon most of Calais migrants are “economic migrants” looking for a way to make a better like for themselves as muckles says…