Calais blockaded

Its that time of year. French fishermen have blockaded Calais. Nothing moving out of Dover - currenty 6 hour delays. Tunnel bound to get busy very quickly.


Joy of joys, glad i aint goin out untill sunday then.

Nothing is moving now, M20 closed from Jct 10 to 11.

after the French drivers were thwarted in their protest last week it was a cert the fishermen would do something this week. Glad I got back yesterday and it will be done and dusted by Sunday.

anyone know what the score is to get on train while operation stack is on? shortcuts etc appreciated :smiley:

Dover closed till at least 4am apparently :frowning:

Have you ever wondered why the ferry companies dont just ram those french fisherman out of the way…imagine all the fun it would be for the ferry passengers…and i suppose the coward Chirac will give in to them by allowing them to fish more in british waters…and i thought that restricting movement was against the e.u. constitution…when will we pull away from the cowardly e.u.? makes my blood boil…

Apparently they only blocked P&O vessels, SeaFrance were allowed to go about their business unrestricted? :open_mouth:

Apparently they only blocked P&O vessels, SeaFrance were allowed to go about their business unrestricted? :open_mouth:

That’s not true - I was booked on Seachance and sat on the quay for an hour - then a nice French girl from SF came around giving us tickets for the tunnel: actually got over to the UK five minutes earlier than if I’d taken the boat, and was 10 miles closer to where I needed to get to :slight_smile: