Cafes & mobiles

Don’t know if this ones been done before,
What’s your opinion on people who take their phones into cafes,truck stops,etc and then talk loudly about some tosh that know one has any interest in?
Am I being unreasonable in asking them to take it outside?

Know what you mean:

If they talk at a normal level then fine but when they shout it dies my head in.
And don’t get me started on folk with the Bluetooth ear piece in talking like a complete clown when you have both your hands free :smiling_imp: .

Iam thinking of Dom jolly answering the phone .

When on a break im on that break`, so phone stops in cab.Just wish other drivers would do the same.

What tickles me is the number of people who need burning tackle to get the phone out of their hands

I think people should be free to do what dafouq they want…:laughing:

When on a break im on that break`, so phone stops in cab.Just wish other drivers would do the same.

Actually never take phone out of cab at all, work or personal! Which frustrates living day lights out of the planner and the significant other!

Agreed, rob,
Answering the phone when out of the cab is usually dangerous or time-wasting. And when on a break it’s also a break from that ■■■■ thing!

never answer the phone when I am driving, because I am driving. when I am on a break I want to do my own thing not be glued to a phone. hell leave me a message and if it’s interesting I will call you back when I finish for the night…may explain why I am single though :smiley:

Yeah does my head in, especially when I’ve just driven a good number of hours that morning and I’ve pulled in somewhere to have a well earned fry up and a read of the paper. Then you got some massive piece shouting into his phone so everyone can hear.