
This cheeky chappie,

has taken a full load, out of Yusen Derby, every day this week. I highly he’s making it down to Dover, across & back, then back to Derby every day, so surely this is breaking the cabotage rules?

could be doing the tunnel

Even still, he’d be doing well to go over, tip, & get back to Derby each day.

Did you report it! :sunglasses:

When you say “Across and back” I presume you mean he leaves the UK by virtue of landing in France and then goes back to Derby? If so then its perfectly legal, if he were just dropping the trailer in Dover then he could do it 3 times (3 one way trips, not 3 returns) then the 4th movement would have to take him out of the UK.
It sounds to me like he takes the trailer to Calais and swaps with another truck there, thus bypassing all cabotage laws and allowing him to work almost entirely in the UK perfectly legally, for rates that we can only guess. I doubt the trip could be completed legally without everything going smoothly all of the time, but even if they double man it, the drivers combined wages are likely to be half that of one British driver. What nationality is the truck?

he may get caught out yet

HGV road user levy

I don’t even know that he heads south with them, merely surmising. However, I stand by what I said earlier, I do not believe Taft he would be able to get from Derby to Calais, and back, in a single shift, not legally anyway, thus I cannot believe he is not in breach of the cabotage rule.

I don’t even know that he heads south with them, merely surmising. However, I stand by what I said earlier, I do not believe Taft he would be able to get from Derby to Calais, and back, in a single shift, not legally anyway, thus I cannot believe he is not in breach of the cabotage rule.

More than likely, it happens every day with countless trucks as its hardly policed at all with the exception of a few token gesture high profile cases such as Wolter Koops a year or two ago.

I was going to complain to vosa about this last year because of the same haulier’s around tilbury doing container work so I did some digging and aparentley they can now stay and do as much as they want cabotage does not exist anymore something to do with them now having to pay toward’s the road tax they obviously don’t pay and fuel duty correct me if ime wrong :smiley:

I was going to complain to vosa about this last year because of the same haulier’s around tilbury doing container work so I did some digging and aparentley they can now stay and do as much as they want cabotage does not exist anymore something to do with them now having to pay toward’s the road tax they obviously don’t pay and fuel duty correct me if ime wrong :smiley:

looking at this its still in force

You can carry out a limited number of cabotage jobs in another EU member state if you’re a UK haulier with a Community Authorisation. The jobs must follow a journey where goods were transported from the UK or another member state.

Cabotage is the haulage of goods for hire or reward in one member state by a vehicle registered in a different member state.

As a goods vehicle operator, when you get a standard international licence you’ll automatically get a Community Authorisation.

When and where UK hauliers can carry out cabotage

You can only carry out up to 3 cabotage jobs in 7 days within the host member state.

EU member states which allow cabotage are:

Austria France Poland
Belgium Hungary Portugal
Cyprus Ireland Slovakia
Czech Republic Italy Slovenia
Denmark Latvia Spain
Estonia Lithuania Sweden
Germany Luxembourg Spain
Greece Malta Finland

Hauliers from these countries can also carry out cabotage jobs in the UK, subject to the same conditions.

You may have to register for and pay VAT in the country where the cabotage journey took place.

Your right to carry out cabotage may be removed temporarily or permanently if you breach safety rules.

Last updated: 27 June 2014

I was going to complain to vosa about this last year because of the same haulier’s around tilbury doing container work so I did some digging and aparentley they can now stay and do as much as they want cabotage does not exist anymore something to do with them now having to pay toward’s the road tax they obviously don’t pay and fuel duty correct me if ime wrong :smiley:

You are wrong and Tilbury is a prime example of how cabotage rules get flaunted and are not actively enforced in the UK even though they should, there are dozens and dozens of foreign registered units picking up both boxes and unaccompanied trailers daily without ever going across the pond to clear the cabotage count.

Cabotage is a pain to enforce as you actually need to do some sleuthing, lots easier handing out FPN’s all day long.

Another prime example is our friends with the sun on the backdoor, they spend weeks in sevices here hauling UK goods all over the place without resetting their counts by crossing the channel every 3rd trip.

Nobody seems to care, our goods get transported cheaply they aren’t bothered what plate is on the unit.

That just sums up this country though under EU laws. Same with all the foreign registered cars that should now be on UK plates, blind eye turned to that as well.