We have been providing Periodic CPC training for an agency near Ipswich. They have asked us to try and find them drivers that meet the following criteria for work delivering to Sainsburys until at least February next year. Drivers can be newly or recently qualified and should meet the following criteria:-
Age: 25+
Licence: Must hold C+E
Points on licence: maximum of 6 although they must NOT be for CU80 (mobile phone) and of course no DR10 etc
CPC held: Drivers should hold a current DQC card. If obtained through the Initial CPC you will be required to attend the following periodic modules. Drivers hours, digital tachograph, fuel efficiency and vehicle safe loading (this should take only 2 days and will count towards the next 35 hours needed)
Location: Drivers must be capable of getting to Felixstowe sometimes for early starts
If you have less than 2 years experience you will be required to go out with an assessor from the agency for 2/3 days to ensure you have the relevant abilities. Unfortunately they are not able to pay for these assessment days.