C+e training

I know loads of people ask but here i go again lol i went for an assesment today with a company who have agreed to put me through my C+E just wondered if anyone had a any tips for the training…i managed to stay away from all the kerbs roundabouts pedestrians etc etc lol but anything anyones got would be very helpful…cheers

If you click the link in my signature it will lead you to an index where you can access a lot of info which may be of use to you for C+E (ARTIC) :smiley: :smiley:

When you are reversing try not to over steer. The more you put on the more you need to take off. But if there is anything your nervous about. Tell your instructor to go over it with you again and again.
We’ve all been there.

When you are reversing try not to over steer. The more you put on the more you need to take off. But if there is anything your nervous about. Tell your instructor to go over it with you again and again.
We’ve all been there.

A member on here had some good advice - BEND IT LIKE BECKHAM

that was me, sorry! :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:

if you click on my live space in my signature it will lead you to my crap week of training drivvle!

my god, i’m going to be a grandad like rog, now i’m starting to sound like him! :angry:

someone please help me :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

good luck with it dog, just take it easy and keep breathing!

my god, i’m going to be a grandad like rog, now i’m starting to sound like him! :angry:
someone please help me :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

It’s your fault for putting your posts next to mine :exclamation: :unamused: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Note to self - dont post next to Rog.

Good work on the CE offer. Anyone I know?