C+E take 2 - failed

im having my second attempt this week, ive booked two lessons as im at a different test centre due to the long wait for test dates.
ive listened to the instructor and read the links in ROG’s signature yet still something not quite clicking with the reverse, any tips gratefully taken on board.

chunky monkey:
im having my second attempt this week, ive booked two lessons as im at a different test centre due to the long wait for test dates.
ive listened to the instructor and read the links in ROG’s signature yet still something not quite clicking with the reverse, any tips gratefully taken on board.

Which particular part are you having probs with :question: :question:

im ok putting the unit parallel to the line, then im watching for the cones of the garage to dissapear in the mirrors before putting the unit straight with the trailer…and thats where the problems happen!
sometimes it works a treat and i make my way across the yard but other times the trailer hasnt come far enough left.
im yet to be told what im doing wrong, but it certainly doesnt fill me with confidence and was the factor behind the last fail.

what length of trailer are you using :question:

its approx 36ft tandem, im going on that its about the same length as the rigid i learnt in and thats about 36ft.
im rather hacked off with myself as ive never not been able to get the hang of something before :blush:
ive even borrowed a toy wagon and trailer froma mate just so i can try and see where i need to be.

not easy to do this by writing but i’ll have a go…

are you getting the unit paralell to the yellow line and 18 inches from it with the front and back unit wheels in line :question:

IF yes, then you are looking for a point to tell you WHEN to get the front unit wheel to the yellow line so it eventually brings the whole combination into line - is that the bit you are having trouble with - am I right :question: :question:

not easy to do this by writing but i’ll have a go…

are you getting the unit paralell to the yellow line and 18 inches from it with the front and back unit wheels in line :question:


IF yes, then you are looking for a point to tell you WHEN to get the front unit wheel to the yellow line so it eventually brings the whole combination into line - is that the bit you are having trouble with - am I right :question: :question:


chunky monkey:

not easy to do this by writing but i’ll have a go…

are you getting the unit paralell to the yellow line and 18 inches from it with the front and back unit wheels in line :question:


IF yes, then you are looking for a point to tell you WHEN to get the front unit wheel to the yellow line so it eventually brings the whole combination into line - is that the bit you are having trouble with - am I right :question: :question:


Easily sorted - when you are next on the reverse practise area and you have the unit paralell and wheels lined up - STOP - get out and look at the trailer angle - then, staying paralell, move back two feet and get out and look at the trailer angle again … and so on… when you are happy that the trailer angle is ok so that you can get the front unit wheel to the yellow line - DO NOT MOVE - look aroung the combination and see if there is a certain mark on the trailer that has just come into view and make a mental note of it so that you can use that mark again - this does depend on you keeping those unit wheels the same distance from the yellow line at all times whilst waiting for that mark to appear.
You may find that, instead of using a mark on the trailer, you can use the n/s mirror. If the n/s mirror has just filled up with trailer at the point when you decide to do the unit wheel to yellow line bit then that is better still as it gives you a better point to aim for - we can do this n/s mirror bit with our 45 foot trailer but yours is shorter and may not work the same.

Remember it will never go the same way every time, it’s pretty much meant to do that. Is there a mark on the trailer you can use to judge when you can turn? The trailer at my school had a nice big white sticker at about the right spot. Hard right hand down until you see the sticker, hard left until parallel with the line, and wait for the sticker to turn up again before turning. Some people recommend using the landing legs on the trailer as your marker. Take it slowly, and learn how to compensate for it if it doesn’t quite go where you wanted it to. Have your instructor take you through a reverse, with him in the cab. When he says to go from hard right hand down to hard left hand down, stop, and look in your mirrors for an identifiable thing on the trailer you can use, like a landing leg, or a weight sticker, or a word in the trailer height details, or even, if it’s a unit with a nice big window in the back. the position of the air coupling to the trailer.
The turning marker is exactly the same for all the turns.
I found it a little easier to go a little further back on the parallel section, because I found it easier to bring the trailer round to the right accurately. That’s why reversing the other way is called “Blind side” reversing.

Take it easy, look for a marker point at the turns, and you’ll be fine. If you find you need a shunt to get it in, use it. When I was training, I needed a shunt to get it in more than half the time. And if you do shunt, make it a decent shunt, don’t inch forwards, you’ve only got 2 of them on the test, so make them decent shunts to give yourself plenty of room to get it right.

If in doubt, and it looks like a wheel will go over the line, stop, pull it forwards 30-40 yards, make sure the unit and trailer are straight, and pop it in reverse again. Don’t panic, it happens. The biggest tip I got was that you need to regularly straighten the unit up with the trailer, so you can judge what direction you need to turn the trailer.

You’re not doing anything wrong, the space you have in the test is tight, and the trailer will not go the same way every time. If you need to push the trailer round further at the beginning, turn the wheel and do it. That first cone you pass on the way forwards up to the line to start the reverse is far enough back you’d have to be a complete numpty to hit it in reverse.

thanks ROG i’ll give it a go, i think i also need to be questioning my instructor a bit more!
i’ll keep you posted.

You’re definitely not doing a thing wrong, that part of the test is designed to see how you cope with things like that. Take it easy, and if the trailer hasn’t come round far enough when you’ve straightened up the first time, then left hand down until it has.

The biggest tip I got was that you need to regularly straighten the unit up with the trailer, so you can judge what direction you need to turn the trailer.

Like I say - You will not know exactly where you are and the trailer will not stop bending UNTIL you have the combination in-line - IE, you can see the same amount of trailer in both mirrors.

Once the tracter is 18" from the yellow line and parralel with it …

Travel parralel with the YELLOW line for the wheel base length, ( centre of front axle to centre of rear axle of tractor)

once you have done this you will have missed that stick by approx 4-6 feet …

Then apply left hand lock to get your tracter back in line with trailer.

Aim the rear of trailer towards the garage adjusting lock with minimal amount of steering untill the trailer enters the box…

if you are not straight at this point take a SHUNT forward get tractor and trailer straight and inline with garage and slot it in…

If you need a second shunt TAKE it … Do not try and be a hero …

Or ask the instructor to show you and walk by the drivers door looking down the side of the truck and see how much lock is used and the minimal amounts.

Steering is a strange wonder of the world some steer quick some steer slow steering in reverse in not an exact science as it depends on the speed the trucks ticks over at or the speed of the hands.

Welcome to the twighlight Zone

Steering is like ■■■ from a mans perspective little bits but often …

i think i also need to be questioning my instructor a bit more!
i’ll keep you posted.

Yes I agree.
The instructor is there on the spot and should be helping you with any queries ast the time.
Next time go as far as you are comfortable and as soon as you feel you are losing control -STOP. apply the handbrake and get out and have a look like Rog says, then ask your instructor to talk you through the next bit before getting back into the cab and continuing.

The best thing you can do is practice, more practice and more practice! :open_mouth: Ask your instructor to talk you through it and if needs be, let him show you in real slow time. :confused: I know time is tight when learning but you could always experiment? I found reversing down a straight line helped, if the trailer starts to wander bring it back, take it away a bit further and bring it back, this will help you understand how turning the wheel one way affects the trailer in another way. :confused: :confused: :confused: :open_mouth: :smiley:
Regards Smokinbarrels :smiley:

started a 2 day course thursday with test booked for yesterday, change of instructor back to the chap i had for my rigid.
after a few different ways of reversing i was getting it in the garage with 2 shunts, come test time i did it with one shunt.
went out on the road and for 40 minutes all was well despite the best efforts of a few cars and pedestrians and then i decided to run the trailer wheel over a roundabout.
carried on driving and then i waited for a filter light which i didnt need to before sorting myself out and completeing the test.
would have had 5 minors if i hadnt have it, wasnt going to have another go but think i’ll try and get some C driving time and then put in again.

Im brand new to this myself only passing last week but I was told the best thing that you can do is get it passed as quick as you can!! The reason for this being you dont get into any bad habits.

I was always told when reversing if you dont think you are going to get it in then pull forward and try and straighten the trailer up and go in from there, there is no shame in taking a shunt!! (watch me get shouted at now!! :blush: )

You will get there mate, and when you do pass its the best feeling in the world.

Good luck
