C+E passed.

Just passed my C+E at lunchtime today. Well chuffed. Managed it with 2 minors and my instructor was well pleased for me. Looking forward to getting started somewhere soon. Been offered a couple of jobs already and one of them was on the opinion of my instructor to one of his friends. All in all, a happy day. :smiley: :smiley:

Well done mate! I’m sure you’ll get signed up by someone if your instructor’s already recommending you :wink:

Get your proverbial foot in the door lol

Well done pal, and getting 2 job offers is BRILLIANT!!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Best of luck, hope it all goes well for you!

They is some decent firms that will give you a start mate, try bowkers :wink: my mate just left there to come work out of Melton with me!! Decent kit, not the worst pay either

Congrats Chief. Now you can take those armbands off.

Cheers folks. Someone mentioned ‘Bowlers’ a few days ago and just this morning, my mate text me about Heron foods in Melton. I’m feeling really positive about everything. I will keep you posted with progress whilst also asking for your help with all the benefits that you lot have gained.
p.s. Thanks for the fireworks. :smiley: :smiley:

Cheers folks. Someone mentioned ‘Bowlers’ a few days ago and just this morning, my mate text me about Heron foods in Melton. I’m feeling really positive about everything. I will keep you posted with progress whilst also asking for your help with all the benefits that you lot have gained.
p.s. Thanks for the fireworks. :smiley: :smiley:

Avoid Herons like the plague mate… Bowkers are okay I’ve been told, guaranteed 11 hrs per day, my friend didn’t leave for any negative reason just got offered a job he’s been trying to get into for ages.

Bowlers are no good mate.

They drive micra’s and tut a lot. And complain when dogs go on the bowling green.

Predictive bloody text… Bowlers should have read ‘Bowkers.’ Doh!

Congratulations and good luck. If you get stuck and are puzzled in an RDC or wherever just ask another driver and they will point you in the right direction :smiley: But always ask even if you think it is a stupid question. Well done :wink: