
Hi all and happy new year.

I haven’t posted on here yet so I thought I’d say hello and share my experience, so far, of working towards my artic licence; something I have dreamed of doing for ages. By last June I’d got the money saved to do both C and C+E so I went online, full of excitement, and signed up for the training… with a broker! Shortly after that I registered on Truck net, read several posts about brokers and near broke down as I imagined my hard earned pounds disappearing as some sheister did a runner. I had gone completely against all the sound advice offered by all those knowledgable, helpful members on here and that old adage “a fool and his money” mocked my very dreams.
Well, I am glad to say my worst fears have not been realised. Maybe I’ve been lucky but the people I have dealt with at said brokers have been very helpful, replying promptly to emails and phone calls and dealing with (most of) my questions and concerns. I did my cat C with Lagta in Eurocentral near Glasgow and passed first time on the 23rd of October. They were very good and my instructor was excellent. Never have I been so releived to pass a test! I’m being sent back to Lagta in February for my C+E which I think is good as I know the instructors and the vehicles so hopefully it won’t be quite so nerve wracking.
One thing about the broker is that they were quite vague about the dreaded DCPC. As I got my car licence in 1993, and therefore have 7.5t C1 and C1E, I have “grandfather rights”. “No need for you to do the CPC, my boy” they said, meaning modules 2 and 4. What they didn’t say was I would have to complete 35hrs CPC approved training after September 2014. I don’t think it was a deliberate omission on their part and (word to the wise) if I had done my research properly, instead of jumping in with both feet, I would have known that. Anyway, the whole rigmarole had me baffled for a while but I think I have it sussed now. As I now understand it “grandfather rights” means no need to do modules 2 and 4 but you still have to do 35hrs CPC before driving for reward. I’m sure someone will correct me if I am wrong.
Anyway, I had booked the RHA direct access course as part of the package deal so that’s fourteen hours covered. (Anyone experienced that one?) After some frantic scraping together of funds I have signed up, with Lagta again, to do the ADR course as this will cover the remaining 21hrs and hopefully improve my job prospects. I suppose I could do modules 2 and 4 but for a bit extra I will be coming out with an SQA qualification.
So, to sum up, for all those thinking of becoming a trucker I would have to reiterate what has been said on here. If possible avoid the brokers. My experience of them isn’t bad (they even phoned me an hour after my cat C test to see if I had passed and were genuinely pleased for me) but I would definitely have saved some money (and worry) by going direct. I am very happy with the training providers I was sent to but I would have been wiser checking out a few myself, seeing their vehicles, getting test drives etc etc, as it could have been very different.
Good luck to all those going for it and thanks to everyone for sharing their knowledge and experiences. See you on the road. :smiley:

All the best


What a refreshing change; hearing that someone has actually received half decent service from a broker! In fairness, I think you should name the broker - as folks are very quick to criticize when stuff goes wrong.

To be clear, Mod 2 and 4 are NOT an option when you already hold C1. (Strangely, they are if you’re doing CAT D from a grandfather rights D1).

You seem to be following a sensible path and I wish you all the best with it.

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Peter Smythe:
What a refreshing change; hearing that someone has actually received half decent service from a broker! In fairness, I think you should name the broker - as folks are very quick to criticize when stuff goes wrong.

To be clear, Mod 2 and 4 are NOT an option when you already hold C1. (Strangely, they are if you’re doing CAT D from a grandfather rights D1).

You seem to be following a sensible path and I wish you all the best with it.

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Hi Peter,

Thanks for clearing that up. So 2 and 4 are a no no for the likes of me with C1. I didn’t want to sound like an advert for the brokers but I suppose it’s only fair to help others decide. It’s HGV Training Centre I am with. As I said I am happy with the service I have received. I would take certain things with a pinch of salt, such as the claim of £30,000 starting salary. Maybe for an ice road trucker lol. Anyway, fingers crossed for the next bit and thanks for the good wishes.
