By drivers for drivers?

So I take it now that you have made your new rules subject to change whenever oyu feel like it of course ;0.

That you are still not going to give me a list of welcome other trucker websites that can be used in links.?.

I take it the phrase “Generic Forum Link” is too complicated for you to understand ?

It has already been explained to you, but I’ll try again.

You can post a link to a specific, relevant thread or post, on any other truckers web site, in answer to a particular question.
So for example, this or, preferably this type of link is allowed.
(These links come straight back to, this thread for the first link and Jammy’s post for the second link)

You cannot post a link to the front page of another truckers web site.
So for example, a link like this or this will be removed, because they are “Generic Forum Links”.
(Both of these links come back to TruckNet UK, to circumvent any possible conflict of interest)

I hope these examples have made the answer to your question clear enough.

The problem of course with Generic Forum Links is that on most sites you need to be logged in and of course as some people are not members of ALL sites then they wont see the link will they?.

Oh and please dont question my intelligence in such a way again ■■■■■

The problem of course with Generic Forum Links is that on most sites you need to be logged in and of course as some people are not members of ALL sites then they wont see the link will they?.

Which is another reason for not posting links to other sites.

Oh and please dont question my intelligence in such a way again [zb].

Why not ?

Jammy this has also been explained to you on another site

I preferred Jammy Mutt when he had a bee in his barnacle about fog lamps

Its fun when he kicks off about immigrants too.

NOTHING to do with which part of the website I linked to but specifically linked to a member who doesnt come on this site much ( understandable) but uses a different one which is FAR more orientated towards the industry and not the financial side of their own pockets like this one.

If you have those opions of this site, why have you posted so many posts? zb off then and stop acting like a zb, and let others who enjoy this site to do so in peace! :unamused:

edit if it need stars it is not allowed animal

I have been reading this website for a couple of years now and I have never thought to write anything. I just enjoy spending a little time reading about other drivers experiences on the road.
It is a shame that a very small number of people act like teenagers on this website. I suspect that the same people who seem to contribute very little except childish temper tantrums on here are the same who give us drivers a bad name on the road.
This website is run well, it has a set of rules which are not unreasonable. I use other websites where moderation cannot even be discussed, where the owners will not respond at all to any sort of criticism. Here at least the owners and management read and respond, they do not hide it. although given the nature of some of the remarks it would probably be better for drivers if they did.
To those who think its fun to be constantly complaining and looking for any little thing to try to use to give this website a bad name. grow up or go elsewhere.
Look around, hundreds of us are enjoying this website every day the tiny few who want to cause trouble, always the same ones , should grow up or just not come here.
Its a website for drivers not bored little children.

If you have those opions of this site, why have you posted so many posts?

Maybe he’s on a bonus.

I. I suspect that the same people who seem to contribute very little except childish temper tantrums on here are the same who give us drivers a bad name on the road.

They are, and have admitted it in some cases.
Well said David and congratulations on breaking your duck. :wink: :slight_smile:

Well said david I also only realy read on here, and dont often get this far down the list this website is run exactly how most of us who use it want it to be the few that complain are always the same look up drivers websites on google and you will find that of the moaners most are very active on another website that spends most of its time complaining about here and the other truck websites its sad and pathetic as rikki says many many times if you dont like it here dont come here it takes some very disturbed people to keep going to somewhere that they dislike so much. get a life people if your only source of entertainment is to go to a website that is better then yours and whine you need to turn of the computer and go out into the real world
to those owning and running this website from me thank you well done and ignore the prats

I love how all the 1-post’ers always crawl out of the woodwork at times like this with their valued opinions of how things should be done, but yet contribute nothing of value to the site the rest of the time. Just what would we do without them? :unamused:

and because you write more than me that makes you special? i suppose it might be special like the drivers we all avoid at the bar because they go on about how they have been there and done everything and in fact know ■■■■ all but insist on talking endlesly go read the old timers forum in there are real drivers with real experience not wannabe loud mouths like yourself thats what i want to read not your crap about how wonderful you are and how everyone else is wrong because you write more than them grow up man and get over yourself your not that important

and because you write more than me that makes you special? i suppose it might be special like the drivers we all avoid at the bar because they go on about how they have been there and done everything and in fact know [zb] all but insist on talking endlesly go read the old timers forum in there are real drivers with real experience not wannabe loud mouths like yourself thats what i want to read not your crap about how wonderful you are and how everyone else is wrong because you write more than them grow up man and get over yourself your not that important

LOL !!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Well be careful out there old chap, there’s a load of snow on the way! Watch out you don’t get stuck in them 16ft drifts on Shap again like you did in '78 !! God only knows how you’d survive it!!! You might end up having to burn a tyre just to keep warm!!! :laughing: Oh sorry, I forgot that you’re a real driver with real experience so this won’t apply to you eh!

I use other websites where moderation cannot even be discussed, where the owners will not respond at all to any sort of criticism.

The words,Honest John spring to mind. :angry:


Rob K:
I love how all the 1-post’ers always crawl out of the woodwork at times like this with their valued opinions of how things should be done, but yet contribute nothing of value to the site the rest of the time. Just what would we do without them? :unamused:

Have you considered a new poster may actually be a person with a, err, errm, cough, slightly higher post count, posting under a different name just to stir the debate? I have heard that sort of thing goes on. :wink:

I have heard that sort of thing goes on.

But that’s just wrong …

Next there will be talk of hook, line and sinker.


Rob K:
I love how all the 1-post’ers always crawl out of the woodwork at times like this with their valued opinions of how things should be done, but yet contribute nothing of value to the site the rest of the time. Just what would we do without them? :unamused:

Have you considered a new poster may actually be a person with a, err, errm, cough, slightly higher post count, posting under a different name just to stir the debate? I have heard that sort of thing goes on. :wink:

BUT surely the super duper same ip blocker would kick in to action wouldnt it?.


Have you considered a new poster may actually be a person with a, err, errm, cough, slightly higher post count, posting under a different name just to stir the debate? I have heard that sort of thing goes on. :wink:

Coffeeholic and ROG might be the same person :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :unamused: :unamused: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:



Rob K:
I love how all the 1-post’ers always crawl out of the woodwork at times like this with their valued opinions of how things should be done, but yet contribute nothing of value to the site the rest of the time. Just what would we do without them? :unamused:

Have you considered a new poster may actually be a person with a, err, errm, cough, slightly higher post count, posting under a different name just to stir the debate? I have heard that sort of thing goes on. :wink:

BUT surely the super duper same ip blocker would kick in to action wouldnt it?.


Not if they are posting through different ISP’s it wouldn’t.

Gads a proxy :unamused: :unamused: