BUSTED! Sneaky Coppers In Unmarked Tractor Unit

Agree with you, but would you agree that the Sikhs probably pushed the problem elsewhere? Which is not a solution the Police can take?

Maybe so mate, but they are dealing with a problem that affects THEM directly.
They should not have to, that is my point, and as I said proper ‘policing’ of the area, albeit unofficially, has been PROVEN to work, but the Police should be doing this themselves, if only to regain a bit of credibility, confidence and admiration from the public they are there to serve and protect, but all we hear is ‘‘purges’’ and priorities on this that and the other, that are not what you would call ‘bread and butter’ stuff, but instead b/s like this.

As for truck crime,.WE all know where not to park, because it is common knowledge where you are more likely than not going to get turned over through the night, so the Police will obviously have the same knowledge., but policing coffee drinkers behind the wheel is obviously more important, and this is what personally ■■■■■■ me off about them.
I don’t give a ■■■■ if people on here are sick if me keep banging on about this stuff, if more people publicly kicked off about it, the higher echelons of the Police would maybe get the message…I for one would congratulate an efficient Police force, the one in it’s present state has lost it’s way and is way out of touch with what people want.

Yup, it would be great if the police did a proper job everywhere.

I don’t want to jinx it or anything…but I still haven’t heard owt about this from the po po.


I don’t want to jinx it or anything…but I still haven’t heard owt about this from the po po.


Prolly just a scare tactic (in your case) typical of today’s police, to harass law abiding citizens on a daily basis hopefully into submission and fear. Just loo kat tthe way they drive when blue lights on - harassing and bullying regular drivers out of their way; I regularly see them flying up and down the A14 at over 140-150 mph which is criminal, no police emergency could possibly justify such insane dangerous speeds and close shave overtakes on public roads

Well, I got 3 points and £100 fine. … for eating crisps!
Even though I strongly disagree that I wasn’t in proper control, it’s just not worth having a day off to go to Court in Sheffield and it going ■■■■ up.
This is how they get their money though isn’t it?! Some driver from out of the area, stich him/her up with some offence which only exists in the copper’s imagination and hope the vast majority drivers just pay the fine rather than mess about going to Court.
I am officially miffed.com

Well, I got 3 points and £100 fine. … for eating crisps!
Even though I strongly disagree that I wasn’t in proper control, it’s just not worth having a day off to go to Court in Sheffield and it going ■■■■ up.
This is how they get their money though isn’t it?! Some driver from out of the area, stich him/her up with some offence which only exists in the copper’s imagination and hope the vast majority drivers just pay the fine rather than mess about going to Court.
I am officially miffed.com

I understand why you made your choice.
However you now have a complaint - therefore you should make it, officially.

Responding to complaints takes time, effort & money.
If we all complained officially when we feel we have been a victim of their weighted policies then they would have to reconsider whether making frivolous charges is worthwhile.

Some driver from out of the area, stich him/her up

I wonder…

Who that might be?

HGV driver rolls cigarette with both hands off steering wheel

https://youtu.be/p1Hjh5j1F5U posted in last few weeks, and yes looks like white daf …

when I smoked you leant to do it one handed so you had a hand on the sterring wheel, and could do it blind folded as your eyes didnt leave the road… actually practiced in the cab on evenings when tramping lol… long time ago…but was chuffed once could do it, guess today would be an offence… and fair enough…and i dont smoke anymore so dont care.

However with todays technology, Active Crusie control, Lane assist, Automatic breaking…feel that no dont have both hands off the wheel, stupid, but the vehicles today can literally drive themselves with all the saftey features, so although these officers are claiming not concentrating on the road, which is bad, I dont condone it, where their eyes on the road, technology actually is a defence to a certain level… as if there was sudden breaking ahead, the truck will bring it all to a stop, if wandering out the lane you will get an alarm etc… think a good barister could argue some of these points to a court… but still agree with a majority of the situations are bad, and as for mobiles… same as pedestrians using the blood things and walking into the road like muppets… then again if side street, they are now protected by the new rules.

now the better weather is here look out for hand held radar guns in towns and villages,

Its not just the rozzas, using the bloody things either… lol

This guy was posting these the other week… ffks what time of night is it ? and he is there using a self funded speed gun, regarding HGV doing 46 …

HGV 41-46mph Springholm west –

you need both hands to extract the last crisp crumbs from the packet.
other things which are as heinous
nasal attention
using steering wheel for drumming
arguing with the radio
arguing with yourself

Don’t forget reaching round and getting the air guitar off the bunk and having a jam when ZZ Top comes on.