
So, I go to Middlesbrough for an interview at bulk haul for a job advertised as running out of Leeds, they give me £15 toward fuel for travelling up there and I’m thinking, fair enough. A nice guy gives me al the info in the company, tells me I will earn £33k if I do 60hrs a week and two nights out, ok thinks I but then tells me I might not do any nights out for 3 weeks then do 3. Ok says I. He then tells me I have to do 4 wks training with one of their guys and that they pay £300 a week whilst training and coz I be with another driver it could be 60hrs each week! Thorough! However, they pay monthly BUT, the month starts on the 1st to the last day BUT they pay you on the 15th of the following month! So if I started on 1st nov I wouldn’t be paid till 15th dec, £1200 minus tax n insurance! No chance says I! Job seemed ok but come on, don’t take the ■■■■!

was offerd an interview glad i never botherd now

Amateur hour of the highest order knocking a blokes pay for “training” it’s just not cricket.

If they want to train up their “asset” they should pay you the going rate if they have any respect for their “employee”.

Come on guys,Mr Gibson has got a football team to fund.The money has got to come from somewhere.

So, I go to Middlesbrough for an interview at bulk haul for a job advertised as running out of Leeds, they give me £15 toward fuel for travelling up there and I’m thinking, fair enough. A nice guy gives me al the info in the company, tells me I will earn £33k if I do 60hrs a week and two nights out, ok thinks I but then tells me I might not do any nights out for 3 weeks then do 3. Ok says I. He then tells me I have to do 4 wks training with one of their guys and that they pay £300 a week whilst training and coz I be with another driver it could be 60hrs each week! Thorough! However, they pay monthly BUT, the month starts on the 1st to the last day BUT they pay you on the 15th of the following month! So if I started on 1st nov I wouldn’t be paid till 15th dec, £1200 minus tax n insurance! No chance says I! Job seemed ok but come on, don’t take the ■■■■!

Yes it’s taking the ■■■■ but surely you can see the bigger picture i mean £33,000 a year is not fantastic but it ain’t to be scoffed at either.

bald bloke:

So, I go to Middlesbrough for an interview at bulk haul for a job advertised as running out of Leeds, they give me £15 toward fuel for travelling up there and I’m thinking, fair enough. A nice guy gives me al the info in the company, tells me I will earn £33k if I do 60hrs a week and two nights out, ok thinks I but then tells me I might not do any nights out for 3 weeks then do 3. Ok says I. He then tells me I have to do 4 wks training with one of their guys and that they pay £300 a week whilst training and coz I be with another driver it could be 60hrs each week! Thorough! However, they pay monthly BUT, the month starts on the 1st to the last day BUT they pay you on the 15th of the following month! So if I started on 1st nov I wouldn’t be paid till 15th dec, £1200 minus tax n insurance! No chance says I! Job seemed ok but come on, don’t take the ■■■■!

Yes it’s taking the ■■■■ but surely you can see the bigger picture i mean £33,000 a year is not fantastic but it ain’t to be scoffed at either.

    1. I wouldn’t fancy waiting for my money but if I planned on stopping there long term I could live with the 6 week wait.

£33k for 58 week’s work !!!
Assuming that Bulkhaul remain solvent.

the kaiser:
£33k for 58 week’s work !!!
Assuming that Bulkhaul remain solvent.


ive seen them advertising down south aswell ? I just assumed they were an agency ■■