Bulker explodes

truckstar.nl/nieuws/detail/b … ft-op-e34/ :open_mouth:

That’s one way to resurface a road quickly…

http://www.truckstar.nl/nieuws/detail/bulkoplegger-ontploft-op-e34/ :open_mouth:


The trailer was loaded with potato pulp. Probably, this is accelerated to ferment due to the heat. Hereupon the pressure in the trailer so high that the whole thing exploded.

The fate of the driver is some ambiguity. According to various media Belgian driver was briefly trapped in his cab, but the cab does not seem damaged at all.

The cargo potato pulp by the explosion came largely on the right road. This hit a passenger in a slip and hit over the head.

The explosion happened at the height of Turnhout in the direction of Netherlands. The road was closed for some time, but now one lane open again.

The cleaning of the road and removal of the vehicles can take some time.

Did they have to ‘Chip’ it off the road ? :laughing:

Driver was probably stuck in cab waiting for some clean underwear…

Either that or he jumped so high his head was embedded in the roof.

This is why you always travel with your dump valve open, then any build up of pressure has an escape route.

This is why you always travel with your dump valve open, then any build up of pressure has an escape route.

one tanker i used, the vent and foot valve were operated in sync by one button, so if that’s what you want to do it’s not always an option

This is why you always travel with your dump valve open, then any build up of pressure has an escape route.

I read that line and spent the next 5 minutes rolling around laughing, “dump valve” and “escape route” :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :unamused: :laughing: :laughing:
Is it just me or did anyone else see the humour there :question:

Could potato pulp be an alternative fuel :question: :question:


This is why you always travel with your dump valve open, then any build up of pressure has an escape route.

I read that line and spent the next 5 minutes rolling around laughing, “dump valve” and “escape route” :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :unamused: :laughing: :laughing:
Is it just me or did anyone else see the humour there :question:

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

No you’re not the only one.
I bet his dump valve was working [zb]ing perfectly afterwards!

This is why you always travel with your dump valve open, then any build up of pressure has an escape route.

Not if you are keeping it sterile

The ambulance spud to the scene, collected the driver and took him to hospital, he is apparently now peeling much better