Builders merchants pics


Shame about that plastic toolbox next to the metal one, spoils a nice motor.

When it arrived it only had the one locker and i complained i couldn’t get everything in it, and i wouldn’t have lifting equipment in the cab, so they had the workshop fit the plastic one,
I can live with the colour difference, as it means i don’t have to have wet slings littered around the cab.

Ah, I see. Shame they couldn’t have hung it behind the axles.

I’m just grateful to get one lol :blush:
on the other side they made and fitted a ladder rack behind the tag axle

I’m just grateful to get one lol :blush:
on the other side they made and fitted a ladder rack behind the tag axle

That’s just rubbing it in, I was promised a ladder rack a year ago when I got mine. Still waiting… I had the cheek of asking for a new ladder once, rather than one that someone else had thrown away. Lots of huffing and puffing (and still no ladder!)

I have to say, they’re not too bad on things like that. I didn’t get a sheet rack though, was told i could live with out one :imp:

You can put the sheets in the passenger footwell, you’ve got the space as you’ve moved the slings to a locker!

Siddles’ of Bicester

AW Mobbs of Wheatley

my old favourite!!

Spotted this up in Nuneaton last year

And these are others I’ve driven for deliveries to sites etc

Another company that wanted the grab strapped between every delivery

Powerline above me, didn’t deliver that day. They didn’t want it around the front and ‘the other driver managed it’

Iveco Auto box, practically brand new that flummoxed me with this rear steer!

Brick metal bands had broken before I even left the yard. First time for that and from then onwards I’d check the bandings were OK before taking them out. This is what you end up with :frowning:

Ive drove those buildbase moters.before I liked them

2012-06-29 14.05.28.jpg
Taken from the cab of my 972.

class2 hiab:
Ive drove those buildbase moters.before I liked them

Lot of the older drivers dont like the auto boxes when reversing at that company. Part of the Jewsons empire isn’t it, Buildbase!


class2 hiab:
Ive drove those buildbase moters.before I liked them

Lot of the older drivers dont like the auto boxes when reversing at that company. Part of the Jewsons empire isn’t it, Buildbase!

It’s Johnson Buildbase around Oxford, but when deliver to them 3rd party it’s invoiced to “Grafton Merchanting” :confused:

Thts true thr not great on the mud. Buildbase of the grafton group jewson saint goban or how ever its spelt lol

class2 hiab:
Thts true thr not great on the mud. Buildbase of the grafton group jewson saint goban or how ever its spelt lol

Has Build Centre been sold to Jewson? Witney depot now in Jewson colours.

I’m sure they share their names around the group of companies just to confuse us all!!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I work for travis perkings they own everyone that jewsons and grafton group dont own lol good 20% percent discount card tho for wicks lol

class2 hiab:
I work for travis perkings they own everyone that jewsons and grafton group dont own lol good 20% percent discount card tho for wicks lol

I used to hate doing Jewson/TP bulk aggregate deliveries direct to their customers; They’d tell the customer any old crap like “of course the lorry’ll fit” “yes they spread&level it for you”…They never thought to give decent address, directions or contact number though. To be fair Jewsons were the worst.

my old favourite!!

Seen that holywell one out side I’m guessing the drivers house in Luton near my nans use to pass it and keeped saying I’ll get a pic “I think I did”