Brown Right Arm Syndrome

Sorry to put a dampener on the nice weather but take a look at this:- … -the-road/

It is, I believe, well-known that in the U.S. there are more skin cancers on the left side of the body due to this very phenomenon. If part of you is exposed outside all day even in the wonderful UK climate you increase chances of getting summat, but it would still be nice to feel some warm sunshine now and then. If it’s nice out, leave it out! … -the-road/

Tell people you are the stigs truck driving cousin


roll your window up about quarter of the way and rest your arm against it. UV rays cant pass through glass. I like my 1 arm tan anyway :grimacing:

a bit of a myth that as they can actually

I agree. My window is seldom down, car too, and still have BRAS

Wished I hadn’t shortened that! :blush:

i wish we’d had the warnings years ago . i never wore long sleeves and the arm out of the window all summer . ok, the tan was impressive but now i only have to lean on a hard surface and the area goes into a blue /black bruise . if i catch a sharp corner gently the skin peels back like tissue paper , blood everywhere . too late to worry now but the younger drivers might like to take note . dave

You can always spot someone who drives for a living.
One arm golden,the other like a pint of milk :laughing:

Take care of yourself in this weather frozen chap. Don’t want you to turn into a puddle mate.

Take care of yourself in this weather frozen chap. Don’t want you to turn into a puddle mate.

lol :laughing:
I thought id stumbled on a mass grave of my ancestors last summer. Turned out it was just a carrot field… :laughing:

i wish we’d had the warnings years ago . i never wore long sleeves and the arm out of the window all summer . ok, the tan was impressive but now i only have to lean on a hard surface and the area goes into a blue /black bruise . if i catch a sharp corner gently the skin peels back like tissue paper , blood everywhere . too late to worry now but the younger drivers might like to take note . dave

Thought it was just me! Tbh I broke my arm having a crash at Snetterton years ago and it never healed. A particularly stiff set of landing legs will make it snap again as it’s never healed. I put that down to how easy that arm bruises or cuts, obviously the sun may actually be the reason. Here’s a pic which shows the result of brushing against a sharp edge this morning.

I don’t think I’ve got that much hair on my nads! :open_mouth:

But that don’t sound or look good, and lesson to be learnt by all…

I think you should park the truck up and get yourself a narrow boat, you can steer them with either arm so I’m told. Dunno where I got that idea from :blush: :laughing: :laughing:

Make a mirror that attaches to the window directing the sunlight straight onto the other arm OR if you are not handy at making such proto types sunbath your left arm on off days :smiley:

the maoster:

i wish we’d had the warnings years ago . i never wore long sleeves and the arm out of the window all summer . ok, the tan was impressive but now i only have to lean on a hard surface and the area goes into a blue /black bruise . if i catch a sharp corner gently the skin peels back like tissue paper , blood everywhere . too late to worry now but the younger drivers might like to take note . dave

Thought it was just me! Tbh I broke my arm having a crash at Snetterton years ago and it never healed. A particularly stiff set of landing legs will make it snap again as it’s never healed. I put that down to how easy that arm bruises or cuts, obviously the sun may actually be the reason. Here’s a pic which shows the result of brushing against a sharp edge this morning.

that’s exactly the problem i have , i has got worse as i have got older , dave

Harry Monk:
I’ve just crossed my arms and I look ridiculous, one brown arm and one white one. Always starts happening this time of year and just gets worse as Summer progresses.

What can I do about it?

Uncross your arms !!! :grimacing:

I’ve just crossed my arms and I look ridiculous, one brown arm and one white one. Always starts happening this time of year and just gets worse as Summer progresses.

What can I do about it?

Have you considered Spray Tans ? :laughing:

Do what I do and wear either a long sleeved T shirt underneath or just a sleeve on its’ own.

Looks daft but keeps the UV at bay.

Have 2 trucks

1 LHD & 1 RHD !!!

Drive a left-■■■■■■ for a couple of weeks? :smiley: