Ok we all know the “opinion” on here of brokers- CM is looking at doing an article on just how they operate from the point of view of the person who wants their licence- do you have personal experience of using a broker to get your licence? was it good or bad?
If so please let us know either by e-mail or PM - the more documentary evidence the better, DO NOT post anything derogatory, publicly on this thread, or name companies this forum is watched closely by some companies and their lawyers and if we are to look at how brokers operate and get your input we need to be able to keep this thread and this invitation to provide your input alive.
This is a touchy subject, and even before one response I can see some “companies” reaching for their lawyers speed dial numbers so guys, help us get the “truth” behind brokers by keeping this thread anonymous and if needed telling us your experiences via private message/e-mail
I do not have personal experience of using a broker but I do have info as to how many of them work so here are my personal views.
Most LGV training brokers do not have their own training vehicles so they simply act as ‘middlemen’ between the trainee and the trainer
Most brokers claim they have X amount of training venues around the UK and it is often carefully worded so the trainee thinks they are the brokers training schools
There is usually a claim that there is a driver shortage to entice a trainee and another carefully worded piece that makes the trainee think that getting a job will be relatively easy once trained. In the greater majority of cases the reality is very different.
Brokers often include the DSA somewhere either claiming that they have DSA approved centres or instructors so as to make the trainee think that they are DSA approved - the DSA do not approve any broker.
The next ploy is to give the trainee a price for a course which seems to be the same as other courses from the LGV training schools but not to reveal how long that course is either in terms of days or hours so the trainee then thinks they are going to get the average 5 day course with the test on day 5.
What often happens is that the trainee gets 4 days with test on day 4 so the broker pockets the missing day as their fee
If the broker was to give a price for the usual 5 days and then add on their fee to that they would put off trainees on price.
Failing to inform the trainee of the driver cpc requirements is another thing that brokers seem not to do especially when the trainee needs to pass the initial driver cpc so they can drive LGVs commercially so the first that the trainee hears about that is when they get to the LGV school that the broker has sent them to for the actual training
Only once the trainee has paid all their money to the broker and arrived at or contacted the LGV school that will be doing their training do they realise a lot of these issues above
Brokers use the power of internet advertising and very clever legal wording to entice the first time trainee and many are enticed because they have no idea of this industry. It could also be argued that more research by the trainee would give them greater options.
Brokers would go out of business very quickly if the LGV training schools did not entertain them.
If no LGV training school will deal with brokers then trainees would do what they have done before which is to source a school local to them so I cannot see there being any reduction in the total number of trainees
Why do LGV schools entertain brokers? - I can only guess that the training school gets money they may not have got otherwise
Very good Rog, but I think over the years all of that has been well discussed on here… what we are after are people with personal experience , and hopefully documented evidence that we can use.
When i first looked doing my class 2 i must be honest it was because of a now defunc broker.id always wanted to do it but there advert was making it seem so easy.so i phoned them and got a very good sales pitch but they didnt answer certain questions ie where the training was going to take place or definate dates,all was to be confirmed when i paid in full.they then asked for card details for a deposit.i soon seen they were at it and told id look else where.i then saw ritches in glasgow and got a much cheaper deal and passed first time,they also organised my medical.i got no end of calls trying to get me to book with the broker but when i asked about the mass of jobs they said they had available for hgv drivers they soon stopped calling.i think all brokers should be taking out into the streets and flogged,just like agences as there both skimming money from people