Broken digi unit

Does anyone have any idea what the law is on starting a run with a broken digi card unit. i can find out what to do if it breaks during a shift but not if it wont work at the start of a shift.

Personally I would defect the vehicle on the basis you are unable to record your hours.

But I don’t know how that compares to the law.

I am sure someone more knowledgeable will be along shortly

Report it as soon as the fault becomes apparent and have it repaired as soon as possible, or while on the road if you don’t return to base within 7 days. Crack on and keep manual records while the unit is defective.

Does anyone have any idea what the law is on starting a run with a broken digi card unit. i can find out what to do if it breaks during a shift but not if it wont work at the start of a shift.

This is the advice for International journeys, personally I would stick by these guidelines.

Drivers should not begin or continue international journeys with a defective tachograph, even if they keep manual records. Many countries require a fully functioning tachograph and won’t allow entry for your vehicles without one.

In VOSA Guide it also says this:

When driving a vehicle that is equipped with a digital tachograph, drivers should:

ensure that the tachograph is working properly;

What is not working, is it a card fault or a fault with the VU? There is a list of codes that tells you the problem on the internet and on this site.

if your card is faulty you are allowed to drive with manual records for 15 days. surely there is an allowance for faulty VUs too?

floor it … see whats she really capable off , without giving ya an overspeed :wink: