British Road Services

Greetings to all the BRS Drivers,
Went to Brighton on Sunday and saw this Bristol on the Lorry Run.Hopefully one or two of you Gentlemen might remember her.
Regards to all,900X20. :smiley:

Penny for the Guy?

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I wonder how many Big J’s the combined BRS groups bought over the years. Between them and Seddon’s they were certainly the mainstay of the Scottish fleet’s in the late 60’s/early 70’s.

Combine all those with the myriad Crusaders BRS also ran and you can imagine that Motor Panels of Coventry alone did very well out of BRS.


Considering the fact that they were heavily involved in the development of the Crusader you can understand them being bought in substantial quantities. They did like their Guys and Seddons though.

Steve Butler photo.

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Andrew Bone photo.

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Wake and smell the diesel! The BMC J4 pick-up is probably the newest vehicle there. A classic scene.

As an ex BRS manager from the late 70’s into the late 80’s I experienced the company during it’s period of ownership under the state to private hands. As a bit of a transport history buff I have always taken a keen interest in the history and development of BRS and I constantly wonder what the company could have become if it remained under state control.

Nowadays as I travel throughout the land it seems that Culina have taken over almost any haulier of size and consequently seem to control the dedicated distribution market. So has Culina became what BRS could have been?

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Tricky question that, Dennis. Whereas I support nationalisation in many sectors, I have always thought of road transport as one area where nationalisation is much akin to herding kittens. Whether we like it or not, Culina has got where it is through private enterprise. Whether or not BRS could have resisted ‘the dead hand’ of continued nationalisation is not easy to know. If you follow the money, it would appear that the powers that be thought it too risky to continue. Sovtransauto and Hungarocamion should probably have followed BRS’s example. :face_with_peeking_eye:

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Dock traction, I would think. Mid to late '60s. Which docks, I wonder? Probably Tilbury, as the trailer is Continental, but could be Dover.