British(or Irish) reg L.H.D

Looking for pics of British or Irish reg LHD trucks passed or present…

Cheers Geoffo…

My old beast, one of the toughest and most enduring trucks I have driven. DAF 3300, 6x4 that thing would pull a house down. :wink:

This is it doing its stuff in the mud and slush in mountains of Bosnia. It had four fuel tanks, one under each corner of the body, two of which can be seen in the picture. They should have put one of these in the DAF museum at Eindhoven. Brilliant machine. :sunglasses:

This was taken on a foggy morning in Culcheth Warrington, Dad had called home to get a change of gear. He parked outside the house then off he went into Europe some where

Irish leftie O’Brien Bros snapped on irish ferries ferry to France week before last