Did you read the story?
It says he attacked them as they were leaving. That is assault. It appears he did not use violence as defence or to protect his chattels, he used it in retribution. Whatever people think about the law this is thuggish and illegal. They have been to court and been punished by a Judge/Magistrate. Nobody has any business dealing out their own sentence. This is a civilised society, not a muslim extremist society.
NOT!Did you read the story?
It says he attacked them as they were leaving. That is assault. It appears he did not use violence as defence or to protect his chattels, he used it in retribution. Whatever people think about the law this is thuggish and illegal. They have been to court and been punished by a Judge/Magistrate. Nobody has any business dealing out their own sentence. This is a civilised society, not a muslim extremist society.
What the ■■■■ has this got to do with"muslim extremist"?
Were the motherfs in an Abrams tank about to assault the local pig farm?
Sounds like your some racist piece of whatever.
99.99% of Muslims ,Jews,Christians,Buddists,Catholics and Aeitheists
just want to get on with thier lives and their neighbours but there is always somebody like you that likes to throw in a “thought grenade” to twist the feeble minded with your perception of reality.You should have been a politician
For humanities sake grow up or die.They nicked the mans diesel he give them a kicking end of.
NOT!Did you read the story?
It says he attacked them as they were leaving. That is assault. It appears he did not use violence as defence or to protect his chattels, he used it in retribution. Whatever people think about the law this is thuggish and illegal. They have been to court and been punished by a Judge/Magistrate. Nobody has any business dealing out their own sentence. This is a civilised society, not a muslim extremist society.
So presumably if someone steals from you and you only catch them as they depart, then you should hold the gate open for them as they leave and wish them a pleasant journey home with your diesel??!!
The fella over reacted, sure. But you can’t get away from the fact that if the guy hadn’t been stealing he wouldn’t have been attacked!
NOT!Did you read the story?
It says he attacked them as they were leaving. That is assault. It appears he did not use violence as defence or to protect his chattels, he used it in retribution. Whatever people think about the law this is thuggish and illegal. They have been to court and been punished by a Judge/Magistrate. Nobody has any business dealing out their own sentence. This is a civilised society, not a muslim extremist society.So presumably if someone steals from you and you only catch them as they depart, then you should hold the gate open for them as they leave and wish them a pleasant journey home with your diesel??!!
Considering the two possibilities that either the robbers might attack the victim of the theft and/or the victim of the theft will get nicked for attacking the robbers that’s probably the right answer.
One thing the yanks have got right, when people trespass on your property you can do whatever the frigin hell you like to them without retribution!
These 2 ■■■■■■ only got a 75quid fine, i suggest the broken arms and legs will make them think twice in the future rather than the pathetic fine!!
NOT!Did you read the story?
It says he attacked them as they were leaving. That is assault. It appears he did not use violence as defence or to protect his chattels, he used it in retribution. Whatever people think about the law this is thuggish and illegal. They have been to court and been punished by a Judge/Magistrate. Nobody has any business dealing out their own sentence. This is a civilised society, not a muslim extremist society.
Unfortunately i have had first hand experience of this kind of justice .A few years ago the local clampit family stole my sons new bike ,their 16yr old son was brazenly riding around the estate so i went to have a word with the father who was at the time sitting in his front garden with a pile of cans next to him and not giving a toss so one smack later the biggest toe rag on the estate who hates the police and always accuses them of "fitting him up " when he is arrested every week calls the police and gets me arrested(hypocrisy at it’s finest) ,apparently i fractured his jaw and i ended up with a five yr good behavior order .Didn’t get the bike back though but i would do it again at the drop of a hat
I hope some of you wear good gloves to protect your knuckles when their dragging on the ground. Me? I prefer to be part of a dignified modern human society rather than some dark ages/middle eastern regime governed by Sharia Law.
Evolution’s great! Some of you must try it.
Unfortunately i have had first hand experience of this kind of justice .A few years ago the local clampit family stole my sons new bike ,their 16yr old son was brazenly riding around the estate so i went to have a word with the father who was at the time sitting in his front garden with a pile of cans next to him and not giving a toss so one smack later the biggest toe rag on the estate who hates the police and always accuses them of "fitting him up " when he is arrested every week calls the police and gets me arrested(hypocrisy at it’s finest) ,apparently i fractured his jaw and i ended up with a five yr good behavior order .Didn’t get the bike back though but i would do it again at the drop of a hat
Good man, laws a joke in this country!! You need a medal not a court mate
NOT!Did you read the story?
It says he attacked them as they were leaving. That is assault. It appears he did not use violence as defence or to protect his chattels, he used it in retribution. Whatever people think about the law this is thuggish and illegal. They have been to court and been punished by a Judge/Magistrate. Nobody has any business dealing out their own sentence. This is a civilised society, not a muslim extremist society.
Get real you soppy muppet. The real world awaits you!!
I hope some of you wear good gloves to protect your knuckles when their dragging on the ground. Me? I prefer to be part of a dignified modern human society rather than some dark ages/middle eastern regime governed by Sharia Law.
Evolution’s great! Some of you must try it.
Problem is mate that when communicating with monkeys it’s best to speak monkey cos that’s all they understand .Had i gone to the police and reported a bike theft what exactly do you think would have happened ■■
If you bother to take your blinkers off you will see that the real knuckle-dragging is performed mainly by the right wing fascists. You brought up Muslims in a thread that doesn’t involve them in any way. Do you want some TCP for the grazes?
I hope some of you wear good gloves to protect your knuckles when their dragging on the ground. Me? I prefer to be part of a dignified modern human society rather than some dark ages/middle eastern regime governed by Sharia Law.
Evolution’s great! Some of you must try it.
You really have got a fixation with the Muslim people, of which this circumstance is not even remotely connected!
This dignified modern human race? Hmm. Is that how you would describe diesel thieves then? Dignified Human Thieves perhaps? Perhaps the fella should have offered more of his diesel for free, then invited him round for a meal and to meet the family?
Dignified, but hardly a punishment for a THIEF is it??
What would you have done then? Presumably, bought the guy a pint, no sorry a glass of wine as that is more dignified isn’t it?
I hope some of you wear good gloves to protect your knuckles when their dragging on the ground. Me? I prefer to be part of a dignified modern human society rather than some dark ages/middle eastern regime governed by Sharia Law.
Evolution’s great! Some of you must try it.Problem is mate that when communicating with monkeys it’s best to speak monkey cos that’s all they understand .Had i gone to the police and reported a bike theft what exactly do you think would have happened ■■
The same as they do round here I hope. Investigate, catch the crooks, then lock the chavvy ■■■■■■■ up!
Isn’t it time we dragged the ‘monkeys’ up to our level rather than sinking to theirs. Another analogy…you can’t clean dirt up with dirt. It just leaves more dirt!
I hope some of you wear good gloves to protect your knuckles when their dragging on the ground. Me? I prefer to be part of a dignified modern human society rather than some dark ages/middle eastern regime governed by Sharia Law.
Evolution’s great! Some of you must try it.
Unfortunately given that the justice system is unwilling or unable to stop criminals like this you can understand why people feel the need to take matters into their own hands.
Yes he may have overreacted (I say may), but I presume it will make these fine gentlemen think twice next time…
I mean what was a £75 fine going to achieve?? Nothing. Give them a £1000 fine and a year breaking rocks.
If you bother to take your blinkers off you will see that the real knuckle-dragging is performed mainly by the right wing fascists. You brought up Muslims in a thread that doesn’t involve them in any way. Do you want some TCP for the grazes?
I brought up Muslim EXTREMISTS. Read all of the words!. e.g Islamic Fundamentalists who blow people up and kill those they disagree with, rather than follow due process like the rest of humanity, who just want to live peacefully, whether they be Christian, Muslim, Sikh, Agnostic or any denomination.
I have no unhealthy fixation with Muslims. It just happens to be the case that for the last couple of decades radical Islam has been raging war on the West, and so it was a current analogy to draw against.
I hope some of you wear good gloves to protect your knuckles when their dragging on the ground. Me? I prefer to be part of a dignified modern human society rather than some dark ages/middle eastern regime governed by Sharia Law.
Evolution’s great! Some of you must try it.Problem is mate that when communicating with monkeys it’s best to speak monkey cos that’s all they understand .Had i gone to the police and reported a bike theft what exactly do you think would have happened ■■
Should of got the bike of the little shiyate before chining his old man then it would have been a win, win…
If you consider it OK to exact violent revenge on a thief or generally go about your life as judge jury & executioner, then you have thrown away the very thing that enables us to live amongst each other.
If it’s anarchy you want then where does it stop?
Can I rip out the throat of an oxygen thief for instance?
The same as they do round here I hope. Investigate, catch the crooks, then lock the chavvy [zb] up!Isn’t it time we dragged the ‘monkeys’ up to our level rather than sinking to theirs. Another analogy…you can’t clean dirt up with dirt. It just leaves more dirt!
I asked what would happen not what should ,
and you are right you can’t clean dirt with dirt ,that’s why i use a shovel ,it hurts more