Bristol jay walkers

This must be the worst place for suicidal pedestrians.
It is a green light for you but not for them, they run out in front of moving traffic, one chap was like a rabbit in the headlights , when he was stuck in lane two of a three lane road.
It must be the latest sport, "ooh, I am late for work, I will run in front of lorries to get there on time ".

It’s Bristol. What do you expect?

You know as well as I do that the normal rules of the road do not apply in that hell hole!

And that ridiculous three lanes that goes in to two lanes opposite Fowlers motorbike shop if heading Northbound.
You get cars cutting you as they try to in front of you, then they can not as the middle lane finishes and they are pushed in to a left turn lane by the river.
Going North on the M32 car drivers poodle along at 40 mph,holding all the traffic behind them.
There is a 30 limit by St Pauls then 40 for safety reasons, after that they drive like sheep, slow. … 764625bb31

Happened to me on Fri in Bristol heading for the “Hellhole” that is the A37 :exclamation: :exclamation: :imp:

He walked out with phone to the ear and when I was 10’ away hit him full blast of truck airhorns and he jumped 3’ in the air ■■■■■■■■ himself :exclamation: :exclamation: :grimacing: