Bridge Heights

Hi all,

When a bridge says its 14’‘, does that mean i can take 14’’ truck thru or is only 13’11’’ allowed?


Well iv came to a 14ft 6 bridge well running at 14ft 6 but be carefully has the road been resurfaced or not

The bridge height is the safe clearance height so in your example,yes 14 is ok but not like a lunatic.

Sorry,I didn’t read your post properly…with a 14" truck you can go as fast as you can push it :stuck_out_tongue: :grimacing:

so its ok but proceed with caution…

does anybody know how high Blackwell tunnel in London is??

so its ok but proceed with caution…

does anybody know how high Blackwell tunnel in London is??

Northbound is 13ft 0in southbound is 15ft 6in

Sorry,I didn’t read your post properly…with a 14" truck you can go as fast as you can push it :stuck_out_tongue: :grimacing:

if you’ve got a 14" truck you must be a littie fella. :smiley:


so its ok but proceed with caution…

does anybody know how high Blackwell tunnel in London is??

Northbound is 13ft 0in southbound is 15ft 6in

Northbound is 4.0 Meters

4 metres = 13.1233596 feet (13 feet 1 31⁄64 inch) - According to Google

13.4 feet according to TfL - … tunnel.pdf

Nearly all tractor units are 4.0 meters (as I believe is the max height in europe - may be wrong)

I would go off the Meters of your trailer, if 4 or below, go for it.

The reason that it is signposted 13ft 0in is something to do with the TSGRD (Traffic Signs Manual)



so its ok but proceed with caution…

does anybody know how high Blackwell tunnel in London is??

Northbound is 13ft 0in southbound is 15ft 6in

Northbound is 4.0 Meters

4 metres = 13.1233596 feet (13 feet 1 31⁄64 inch) - According to Google

13.4 feet according to TfL - … tunnel.pdf

Nearly all tractor units are 4.0 meters (as I believe is the max height in europe - may be wrong)

I would go off the Meters of your trailer, if 4 or below, go for it.

The reason that it is signposted 13ft 0in is something to do with the TSGRD (Traffic Signs Manual)

Yes, for years it was marked 13ft 4ins , then 4.0 metres ■■? the signs now read 13ft.

Yes, for years it was marked 13ft 4ins , then 4.0 metres ■■? the signs now read 13ft.

this is why … bound_blac

‘… 4.0 Meters … 4 metres … 4.0 meters … Meters … 13ft 0in is something to do with the TSGRD (Traffic Signs Manual)…’

‘…Metres…’ my ■■■■ :wink:

I’d sooner trust in honest Imperial via an arguably obscure ‘Manual’ rather than any unmandated, half-cocked and half-smuggled-in & broadly unwanted metric, federal claptrap :smiley:

Happy Keith:

‘… 4.0 Meters … 4 metres … 4.0 meters … Meters … 13ft 0in is something to do with the TSGRD (Traffic Signs Manual)…’

‘…Metres…’ my ■■■■ :wink:

I’d sooner trust in honest Imperial via an arguably obscure ‘Manual’ rather than any unmandated, half-cocked and half-smuggled-in & broadly unwanted metric, federal claptrap :smiley:

If I had a trailer that was 4.0 Meters 13’6" I would go through (and have been) the B/Wall N/B

If it says 4 Meters and your trailer is 4 Meters (Unless you have a Skoda) then you will be fine

Hi all,

When a bridge says its 14’‘, does that mean i can take 14’’ truck thru or is only 13’11’’ allowed?


What’s the difference between “fishing” and “phishing”?


Happy Keith:

‘… 4.0 Meters …’ etc

‘…Metres…’ etc

‘…If I had a trailer …’ etc

PM sent

the maoster:

Hi all,

When a bridge says its 14’‘, does that mean i can take 14’’ truck thru or is only 13’11’’ allowed?


What’s the difference between “fishing” and “phishing”?

They sound the same but both very different meanings

fish·ing [fish-ing]
the act of catching fish.
the technique, occupation, or diversion of catching fish.
a place or facility for catching fish.

phishing (ˈfɪʃɪŋ)

– n
the practice of using fraudulent e-mails and copies of legitimate websites to extract financial data from computer users for purposes of identity theft

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I don’t know why we don’t have just 1 universal measurement unit, most trailers only in meters and bridges in both, petrol station canopies in meters too


Happy Keith:

‘… 4.0 Meters … 4 metres … 4.0 meters … Meters … 13ft 0in is something to do with the TSGRD (Traffic Signs Manual)…’

‘…Metres…’ my ■■■■ :wink:

I’d sooner trust in honest Imperial via an arguably obscure ‘Manual’ rather than any unmandated, half-cocked and half-smuggled-in & broadly unwanted metric, federal claptrap :smiley:

If I had a trailer that was 4.0 Meters 13’6" I would go through (and have been) the B/Wall N/B

If it says 4 Meters and your trailer is 4 Meters (Unless you have a Skoda) then you will be fine

4m 13’6■■


Happy Keith:

‘… 4.0 Meters … 4 metres … 4.0 meters … Meters … 13ft 0in is something to do with the TSGRD (Traffic Signs Manual)…’

‘…Metres…’ my ■■■■ :wink:

I’d sooner trust in honest Imperial via an arguably obscure ‘Manual’ rather than any unmandated, half-cocked and half-smuggled-in & broadly unwanted metric, federal claptrap :smiley:

If I had a trailer that was 4.0 Meters 13’6" I would go through (and have been) the B/Wall N/B

If it says 4 Meters and your trailer is 4 Meters (Unless you have a Skoda) then you will be fine

I tried going through with a 4m trailer and the running height was 3.95m and I set the alarms off and had use the slip road.