Brexit again!



IF CO2 emissions WERE responsible for catastrophic climate change - then how come NO regime on Earth, especially the globalists - have embarked upon a policy of “enforced birth control” in third-world countries?
By far the largest source of CO2 - is the exhaled breath of some 7,300,000,000 people on this planet. :bulb: :bulb: :bulb:

The whole ridiculous theory has its origins in Carl Sagan’s 2 + 2 = 5 conclusions that it’s the CO2 composition of Venus’ atmosphere that cooked the planet.

Maybe Franglais could give us some typical projected temperature figures on planet Earth given exactly the same atmospheric composition as we have now but with a pressure at ground level of 90 times that which we have now.Bearing in mind the usual graduation of around 5 degrees F difference in temperature per 1,000 feet in altitude.Here’s a clue it has nothing to do with the altitude measurement.Oh wait might as well also move planet Earth 26 million miles closer to the Sun as part of the question.

I’ve read that book, and the concept of “Runaway Greenhouse Effect” requires at the same time “another catastrophic event to set fire to the world’s vegetation”.

If the Permian period of geological history for example had a much richer Oxygen content in the atmopshere than now, and then some “great fire” started, then not only do we get a drop in Oxygen levels from the mass combustion, but also a rapid gain in atmopheric CO2, - but with the greenery unable to “breath it back” for the Earth, because it has already gone up in flames!
Sea temperatures climb to around 60 celcius in due course, and Earth saw it’s worse extinction event ever, especially among Sea Life.

If we build up CO2 THESE days however - Greenery will proliferate to compensate, bringing back down CO2 levels, and increasing O2 levels. Our Ecosystem is balanced better than most people realize.

“Catastrophic Climate Change” - therefore requires a natural event that is way beyond Mankind’s reach to even simulate by comparison.

The Earth is closer to the Sun in January than it is in July as well btw, so summers in the southern hemisphere - have been rather more severe than the same latitude north for some time… The winters are colder as well of course.

If we ever have a wildfire planet-wide - THEN and only then - is this planet in danger of another extinction-level-event.
That puts “Extra-Terrestrial Impact” such as an Asteroid or Comet - STILL “Favourite” to bring an end to life as we know it on this planet.

The Chinese building a new smog-belching factory in Chungking on the other hand - might make a few fresh trees grow somewhere in Central America - and that’s about it.

Our ECOSYSTEM is NOT under threat from Mankind’s actions. It has been over 200 years since the industrial revolution - and we start to worry about things that are happening due to longer cycles, rather than something we did back in the 19th century. No one was counting the CO2 output during the world wars of the 20th Century… Funny how life didn’t end in Y2K as well, because there were plenty of people who mistakenly thought that it MUST. :unamused:

The best way to prepare for higher tides - is to build your house on higher ground.
The best way to prepare for hotter summers - is to buy an air con unit.
The best way to prepare for harsher winters - is to wrap up warm, and lobby for lower energy bills.

“Pretending it is all Mankind’s fault, and is preventable” - comes across as a superstition at best. A “New Age Religion” if you will, and a total fraud with pseudo-scientists as their acolytes.

Trying to sell my own views to the Green Lobby though - is like me asking them to stop being cruel to vegetables - themselves included. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think it will eventually pan out well, with initial problems as the EU do everything they can to make life difficult as a warning to other countries. Yet there are two issues here.

First Britain was not only a net contributor to the EU, but we’re also a net importer and despite the current ‘we couldn’t care less bravado’ from Brussels, Europe won’t want to lose that market.

Second, as the European flood of cheap labour diminishes, there will be a shortage of workers. That’s when wages rise. The reason wages stagnated or fell over the years is because there’s too much cheap competition. Supply and demand? Why pay o/t for w/ends and holidays? Because there’s a shortage of people who want to work those periods. The same applies if you remove the cheap foreign labour.

If we stopped paying them, and left the Customs union because we cannot “stop paying them” without doing thus - THEN the EU would suddenly offer us free access to the markets - just to keep their OWN trading profits with the UK going. It makes perfect business sense to do thus. We MUST stop the payments FIRST however, or they’ll never let us actually leave!

If we stopped paying them, and left the Customs union because we cannot “stop paying them” without doing thus - THEN the EU would suddenly offer us free access to the markets - just to keep their OWN trading profits with the UK going. It makes perfect business sense to do thus. We MUST stop the payments FIRST however, or they’ll never let us actually leave!

Sound and solid strategy there mate. You’ve missed your calling. Why aren’t you the Prime Minister?
I mean, just stop paying what you’re legally obliged to pay. Instant savings. Genius.

“Legally obliged by a foreigner’s laws”. That means we either accept we’re owned by that foreign power, and lost WWII AFTER all - or we fight back, and “take back control” as we were promised. The £350m cannot come - until it STOPS going to Brussels, and by this point three years on - it is rather MORE than £350m per week, of course…

The bus - wasn’t a lie. Merely “inaccurate” - to the DOWNside.

When Chamberlain declared war on Germany in 1939 - he acted on the basis of Britain’s treaty with Poland - and didn’t bother to ask Parliament’s permission first.
He resigned after declaring war - as he didn’t consider himself “war PM material”. He even went to the king with the request “Ask for Mr Churchill”.
Germany - of course would consider any declaration of war - totally UNLAWFUL in THEIR eyes.
When two countries have two sets of laws that are diametrically opposite each other - you either boycott each other, or go to war. You cannot be “friends” when being bled of cash top top up cushy salaries and pensions that we mere blue collar mortals who pay the taxes - can only dream of in this country, where getting two-thirds of one’s final salary at retirement as a pension Is considered “the best pension you can get”.

Macron - is full of crap when he describes the UK withholding the £39bn (let alone what we’ve already paid these last three years in particular!) as “Sovereign Default”.

What WOULD be “Sovereign Default” would be Deutsche Bank refusing to hand over the £9billion of the UK’s on deposit there, which we could object to on matters of “insolvency” - and cause a run on that bank, then being blamed for it’s collapse - when it is a dead bank walking for some time since ALREADY.

The EU - are currently bribing an awful lot of our own countryfolk to try and stop Brexit.
Should we ever succeed with Brexit however, the EU will be FINISHED shortly after. There won’t be time for any 2nd referendum, or transition period. These are just excuses to try and get the UK to keep “paying the full subscriptions” so the Brexit Dividend in turn - can never be realized, and Remainers can continue pretending that “The Brexit Dividend - never existed” of course.

It is all about the MONEY and the POWER. “Immigration” and “Jobs” - is a mere Side Show to the main event of the WORLD now.
If we don’t leave before long - America is weakened, especially Trump’s America.
It is a daft lie to think that Russia somehow is strengthened by Brexit, as the EU’s demise - would, if anything - cause a proliferation of US air bases in former Warsaw Pact countries - which would horrify Russia no end - but what would be the alternative once the EU breaks up into it’s former nations again? If anything, Russia comes out worst of all, as much of their EU trade is with Germany and France. This notion that “Russia would invade western Europe the day after the EU collapses” - is laughable and a “Bond Plot” fantasy at best.

Our trading relationship from the day we stop paying for “access to the single market”? - Does NOT stop, as the EU won’t cut off their noses to spite their faces on trade THEY make a profit on, and the UK currently LOSES from. It would be better if the UK bought foodstuffs from further afiend for less even before any new “tariffs” get added to the EU food prices for export to the UK…
I can also see the Pound, dipping initialy, and then rallying strongly on “Brexit Completion Day”, as world traders realize that the EU is a big pot of Unemployed Youth, and Unaffordable Exports. Compare that to near Full Employment UK with Competitively cheap Exports… No Contest Post-Brexit! :slight_smile:

“Legally obliged by a foreigner’s laws”. That means we either accept we’re owned by that foreign power, and lost WWII AFTER all - or we fight back, and “take back control” as we were promised. The £350m cannot come - until it STOPS going to Brussels, and by this point three years on - it is rather MORE than £350m per week, of course…

The bus - wasn’t a lie. Merely “inaccurate” - to the DOWNside.

When Chamberlain declared war on Germany in 1939 - he acted on the basis of Britain’s treaty with Poland - and didn’t bother to ask Parliament’s permission first.
He resigned after declaring war - as he didn’t consider himself “war PM material”. He even went to the king with the request “Ask for Mr Churchill”.
Germany - of course would consider any declaration of war - totally UNLAWFUL in THEIR eyes.
When two countries have two sets of laws that are diametrically opposite each other - you either boycott each other, or go to war. You cannot be “friends” when being bled of cash top top up cushy salaries and pensions that we mere blue collar mortals who pay the taxes - can only dream of in this country, where getting two-thirds of one’s final salary at retirement as a pension Is considered “the best pension you can get”.

Macron - is full of crap when he describes the UK withholding the £39bn (let alone what we’ve already paid these last three years in particular!) as “Sovereign Default”.

What WOULD be “Sovereign Default” would be Deutsche Bank refusing to hand over the £9billion of the UK’s on deposit there, which we could object to on matters of “insolvency” - and cause a run on that bank, then being blamed for it’s collapse - when it is a dead bank walking for some time since ALREADY.

The EU - are currently bribing an awful lot of our own countryfolk to try and stop Brexit.
Should we ever succeed with Brexit however, the EU will be FINISHED shortly after. There won’t be time for any 2nd referendum, or transition period. These are just excuses to try and get the UK to keep “paying the full subscriptions” so the Brexit Dividend in turn - can never be realized, and Remainers can continue pretending that “The Brexit Dividend - never existed” of course.

It is all about the MONEY and the POWER. “Immigration” and “Jobs” - is a mere Side Show to the main event of the WORLD now.
If we don’t leave before long - America is weakened, especially Trump’s America.
It is a daft lie to think that Russia somehow is strengthened by Brexit, as the EU’s demise - would, if anything - cause a proliferation of US air bases in former Warsaw Pact countries - which would horrify Russia no end - but what would be the alternative once the EU breaks up into it’s former nations again? If anything, Russia comes out worst of all, as much of their EU trade is with Germany and France. This notion that “Russia would invade western Europe the day after the EU collapses” - is laughable and a “Bond Plot” fantasy at best.

Our trading relationship from the day we stop paying for “access to the single market”? - Does NOT stop, as the EU won’t cut off their noses to spite their faces on trade THEY make a profit on, and the UK currently LOSES from. It would be better if the UK bought foodstuffs from further afiend for less even before any new “tariffs” get added to the EU food prices for export to the UK…
I can also see the Pound, dipping initialy, and then rallying strongly on “Brexit Completion Day”, as world traders realize that the EU is a big pot of Unemployed Youth, and Unaffordable Exports. Compare that to near Full Employment UK with Competitively cheap Exports… No Contest Post-Brexit! :slight_smile:

“Legally obliged by a foreigner’s laws”.
For better or worse, we’ve been in the Club for over 40 years. If we are so determined to get out then fair enough. We still have legal obligations.
As for the bribing, who’s being bribed?


“Legally obliged by a foreigner’s laws”. That means we either accept we’re owned by that foreign power, and lost WWII AFTER all - or we fight back, and “take back control” as we were promised. The £350m cannot come - until it STOPS going to Brussels, and by this point three years on - it is rather MORE than £350m per week, of course…

The bus - wasn’t a lie. Merely “inaccurate” - to the DOWNside.

When Chamberlain declared war on Germany in 1939 - he acted on the basis of Britain’s treaty with Poland - and didn’t bother to ask Parliament’s permission first.
He resigned after declaring war - as he didn’t consider himself “war PM material”. He even went to the king with the request “Ask for Mr Churchill”.
Germany - of course would consider any declaration of war - totally UNLAWFUL in THEIR eyes.
When two countries have two sets of laws that are diametrically opposite each other - you either boycott each other, or go to war. You cannot be “friends” when being bled of cash top top up cushy salaries and pensions that we mere blue collar mortals who pay the taxes - can only dream of in this country, where getting two-thirds of one’s final salary at retirement as a pension Is considered “the best pension you can get”.

Macron - is full of crap when he describes the UK withholding the £39bn (let alone what we’ve already paid these last three years in particular!) as “Sovereign Default”.

What WOULD be “Sovereign Default” would be Deutsche Bank refusing to hand over the £9billion of the UK’s on deposit there, which we could object to on matters of “insolvency” - and cause a run on that bank, then being blamed for it’s collapse - when it is a dead bank walking for some time since ALREADY.

The EU - are currently bribing an awful lot of our own countryfolk to try and stop Brexit.
Should we ever succeed with Brexit however, the EU will be FINISHED shortly after. There won’t be time for any 2nd referendum, or transition period. These are just excuses to try and get the UK to keep “paying the full subscriptions” so the Brexit Dividend in turn - can never be realized, and Remainers can continue pretending that “The Brexit Dividend - never existed” of course.

It is all about the MONEY and the POWER. “Immigration” and “Jobs” - is a mere Side Show to the main event of the WORLD now.
If we don’t leave before long - America is weakened, especially Trump’s America.
It is a daft lie to think that Russia somehow is strengthened by Brexit, as the EU’s demise - would, if anything - cause a proliferation of US air bases in former Warsaw Pact countries - which would horrify Russia no end - but what would be the alternative once the EU breaks up into it’s former nations again? If anything, Russia comes out worst of all, as much of their EU trade is with Germany and France. This notion that “Russia would invade western Europe the day after the EU collapses” - is laughable and a “Bond Plot” fantasy at best.

Our trading relationship from the day we stop paying for “access to the single market”? - Does NOT stop, as the EU won’t cut off their noses to spite their faces on trade THEY make a profit on, and the UK currently LOSES from. It would be better if the UK bought foodstuffs from further afiend for less even before any new “tariffs” get added to the EU food prices for export to the UK…
I can also see the Pound, dipping initialy, and then rallying strongly on “Brexit Completion Day”, as world traders realize that the EU is a big pot of Unemployed Youth, and Unaffordable Exports. Compare that to near Full Employment UK with Competitively cheap Exports… No Contest Post-Brexit! :slight_smile:

“Legally obliged by a foreigner’s laws”.
For better or worse, we’ve been in the Club for over 40 years. If we are so determined to get out then fair enough. We still have legal obligations.
As for the bribing, who’s being bribed?

What “foreigner’s laws” anyway?
A Geordie or Bristolian are bound by laws made in London. They have representatives in London as we have MEPs in Brussels.

The taxpayers should decide their own laws, and their own proposed legislation.

At present, our taxes get looted to send to Brussels, so they can return a small part of that cash as “rebate” which goes on Leftie follies, vanity projects, and worse of all “fanning through undesirables” which the UK are supposed to take care of, rather than mainland Europe.

When there is enough suffering on our own streets - people will look back to this opportunity we once had, but failed to grasp the nettle on.

To date, Brexit has been “too difficult to do” - because nearly half of our own population - just prefered to be shafted gently by a foreign power, to being possibly rule by the other side of politics forever, not that there is or was any connection between the two.

I’d HAPPILY vote for Corbyn - if he delivers a full-fat hard Brexit from his position as Leader of the opposition… FIRST!

I’m Financially Left Wing, Socially Liberal, and only Right Wing on matters of Authority, Law & Order.

Corbyn - was never the problem to me. It is his poor judgement of character in putting together his front bench - that keeps me well away from voting Labour. I didn’t vote for Blair - because I didn’t trust the man.

We need a PM who wastes the EU’s money, wastes the EU, and any other enemy foreign power that has it’s meathooks up our economic skirts on this country.

Any PM who prefers to raise our taxes to pay for some scumbag I don’t even want here - is just going to drive me to the Right socially and financially, and now that EDL, BNP, and UKIP have been trashed - I’m currently standing on the sinking island that is Brexit Party.

Corbyn - could get my vote tomorrow - if he’d just deliver FIRST! How hard can it be for these Labourites, currently trying to “prevent a Tory Brexit” - in getting a hard Brexit of their own in play?

If he cannot deliver as leader of the opposition - there’s no point in trusting him as future PM - is there?


If we stopped paying them, and left the Customs union because we cannot “stop paying them” without doing thus - THEN the EU would suddenly offer us free access to the markets - just to keep their OWN trading profits with the UK going. It makes perfect business sense to do thus. We MUST stop the payments FIRST however, or they’ll never let us actually leave!

Sound and solid strategy there mate. You’ve missed your calling. Why aren’t you the Prime Minister?
I mean, just stop paying what you’re legally obliged to pay. Instant savings. Genius.

It’s time to put the world’s lawyers in a field - and bomb the barstewards!

How can there be different laws for different countries - that then get enforced on outside nations?

The EU was supposed to be a trading club where we had commonality among our trading laws. NOT the entire legal processes?!?!

We cannot execute traitors in this country, nor mass murderers, nor agents of sedition, nor paedophiles, nor violent nutcases. The old British Empire laws are long gone- We are ruled by the EU laws these days.
“Taking back control” - would and should have put us on more of our own soveireign footing, and if that meant a revival of Authoritarian British Empire - then I was good with that. I still am!

What perverted stretch of the imagination had this sovereign country paying billions upon billions to a foreign power in a manner that makes the Treaty of Versallies look like a picnic for the public services neglect it causes our once-great land?

What would Labour do if they took power? - Borrow more from China, since I can’t see the EU offering us more tab to pay their own bills with… Not when any future PM could default the whole lot, and turn Deutsche Bank in particular to a “Dead Bank Horizontal” rather than it’s current “Dead Bank Walking” status…

I want UK tax revenues to pay for UK public services. Labour - just blame the Tories for the current cuts, which the EU dictated to the Tories to perform on their behalf, as the incumbent ruling party in this country at the moment. Does anyone think that the EU would demand anything different from Labour - should they find themselves in power?

How do the EU themselves see the UK in all this?

“You have a legal obligation to keep on paying Brussels a £1billion per month. You can borrow the funds from China if you need to, but that might be more difficult now May has failed to let a Chinese Spy Network become established in this country as part condition for such a line of credit.”

“You don’t have enough money to fund your public services, but you can only blame the previous adminstration for leaving the cupboard bare - for the first say, five years of your new adminstration? We’ll try and keep you in power for as long as we can, as fellow socialists here at the EU”.

“We can offer you further lines of credit, but like fellow socialist Tsipras of Greece - we’ll require you to lay off around 120,000 public sector workers - to get that next lot of borrowing - so you can then pay your next round of dues in time to US.”

“You lost all your money. You borrowed some more. You paid that to us. You struggled to borrow further. You paid that all over to us. You sold your soul for some more, and your civil servants are still busy paying that over to us as well. Now some upstarts are talking about NOT paying that to us, but fortunately cannot get past YOU, the ruling parliament - to act thus. Keep taking the tablets! Once there’s an Islamic majority in your country - you’ll eventually get your “independence” as an Island - by your militant majority burning all the infidels at the “Cage” during their “Inquisition” they dream of having there. We at the EU - will be happy top cut you loose, once Britain becomes “AirStrip One” - Benghazi-style!”

I try to avoid arguing with any Labour voter as they just keep going on and on and on until eventually you have to go to work and then they take your silence to mean that they have won!

the maoster:
I try to avoid arguing with any Labour voter as they just keep going on and on and on until eventually you have to go to work and then they take your silence to mean that they have won!

Equally applicable to any Liberal/leftie/europhile

the maoster:
I try to avoid arguing with any Labour voter as they just keep going on and on and on until eventually you have to go to work and then they take your silence to mean that they have won!

I know this working guy who earns good money, but has now joined Momentum. I asked “What for?” and he reckons it isn’t about putting Labour in power under any particular PM they have right now, but just to destroy the Conservative movement in this country. That’s quite chilling, if you think about it: One worker prepared to pay hiked taxes, poorer law and order, and offer undying subservience to a foreign power - just to get one over on people like me, who was once his mate, but now no more needless to say… :frowning:

Corbyn supporters? - A lot of them apparently would like to see Len McCluskey become PM!

One wonders if they’d even consider Corbyn being got rid of by their own faction - a “price worth paying” to bring a real hard Leftist about.
Corbyn? - He’s just a harmless figurehead, who’s more Centerist than hard Left these days.


the maoster:
I try to avoid arguing with any Labour voter as they just keep going on and on and on until eventually you have to go to work and then they take your silence to mean that they have won!

I know this working guy who earns good money, but has now joined Momentum. I asked “What for?” and he reckons it isn’t about putting Labour in power under any particular PM they have right now, but just to destroy the Conservative movement in this country. That’s quite chilling, if you think about it: One worker prepared to pay hiked taxes, poorer law and order, and offer undying subservience to a foreign power - just to get one over on people like me, who was once his mate, but now no more needless to say… :frowning:

Corbyn supporters? - A lot of them apparently would like to see Len McCluskey become PM!

One wonders if they’d even consider Corbyn being got rid of by their own faction - a “price worth paying” to bring a real hard Leftist about.
Corbyn? - He’s just a harmless figurehead, who’s more Centerist than hard Left these days.

Corbyn armed with his Ken Livingston manual of how to be a red and his signed ‘Memoirs of a Terrorist’ by Adams in his pocket, sat in his wonky wheeled bogey and powered by Abbott set off on the political journey he thought he could conquer.
His recent reactions have confirmed the expectations he envisaged haven’t been met, he’s continued to be a thorn in the side of Parliament, even by doing a massive u-turn on the EU, something he was against from the start, to get to lead the Party, he hasn’t a clue, Labour have lost confidence in him, but he’s stirred the militancy in the party and they are hungry for action, Corbyn can’t deliver and they know, his only real support is his bit on the side ( albeit a rather large bit ) in the form of Abbott.
If ( I’m not a religious man but I pray to god there isn’t ) there’s a chance of a GE, Corbyn will be gone, he can’t lead the country, he knows it and the party know it.
Politics in the U.K. are on it’s arse, there’s too much infighting and the values of the major party’s have long been forgotten, the number of smaller insignificant party’s and their votes received are proof of that.

Labour would be a lot more electable right now - if Corbyn got rid of his cronies, and stuffed the cabinet with Blairites, who’ve actually had some experience in running the country last decade…