Brewery Lorries

MSF472P - an Alexander bodied Leyland Atlantean which was new to Lothian Transport in February, 1976.
Photographed on Princes Street in Edinburgh carrying a side advert for Tennent’s ‘80 Shillings’ :

Bristol K, (CWX671), new to Keighley West Yorkshire in 1938 with bodywork by ECW.
The bodywork was replaced in April,1950 with a new body built by C H Roe of Leeds. Now preserved.
Seen advertising Ramsden’s - Yorkshire’s most popular beer:

DAF LF - (FN19ETA) - DHL Tradeteam:


DAF XF - (FQ 514 TR) - Transports Saint Arnould (5902) :

Sister vehicle (6061) is shown on page 8 of this Topic.

I know it’s not exactly brewery but any pics of a Britvic rigid running out of Chandlers Ford from around 1992? I was a drivers mate on agency and loved it. It was very occasional work unfortunately. We did deliver to all the pubs down the shoot into the cellar’s so exact same thing but crates of soft drinks and Schweppes.

Nmp but from my home town of Nottingham

A Bedford lorry of Scottish & Newcastle Brewery.