
this was in my local newspaper tonight,just a few of their fleet ! :open_mouth:


Arh! curnock, you just reminded me to post the picture of the Leyland I had, ex Brevitt. Had got the cab painted at this stage and tackled the body a bit later. This was the first curtainsider we had, a bit noisy, but served us well and could tell many stories about this one. :unamused: :laughing:

Arh! curnock, you just reminded me to post the picture of the Leyland I had, ex Brevitt. Had got the cab painted at this stage and tackled the body a bit later. This was the first curtainsider we had, a bit noisy, but served us well and could tell many stories about this one. :unamused: :laughing:


I used to stop with a lot of the Brevitt drivers in Greenwich, I remember the chieftan, well they had 2 of them, 14 ton gross similar to clydesdales but on 8 stud wheels. we used to have game of cards in the back of them with a tea chest as a table, then down to the pilot pub for a glass of thames sludge :laughing: :laughing:
IIRC George Aspray that started up when Brevitts finished was the TM for them and most of the work went with him.


Arh! curnock, you just reminded me to post the picture of the Leyland I had, ex Brevitt. Had got the cab painted at this stage and tackled the body a bit later. This was the first curtainsider we had, a bit noisy, but served us well and could tell many stories about this one. :unamused: :laughing:


I used to stop with a lot of the Brevitt drivers in Greenwich, I remember the chieftan, well they had 2 of them, 14 ton gross similar to clydesdales but on 8 stud wheels. we used to have game of cards in the back of them with a tea chest as a table, then down to the pilot pub for a glass of thames sludge :laughing: :laughing:
IIRC George Aspray that started up when Brevitts finished was the TM for them and most of the work went with him.

asprays !!!,greedy ■■■■■■ job with crap wages !!! :cry:


Arh! curnock, you just reminded me to post the picture of the Leyland I had, ex Brevitt. Had got the cab painted at this stage and tackled the body a bit later. This was the first curtainsider we had, a bit noisy, but served us well and could tell many stories about this one. :unamused: :laughing:


I used to stop with a lot of the Brevitt drivers in Greenwich, I remember the chieftan, well they had 2 of them, 14 ton gross similar to clydesdales but on 8 stud wheels. we used to have game of cards in the back of them with a tea chest as a table, then down to the pilot pub for a glass of thames sludge :laughing: :laughing:
IIRC George Aspray that started up when Brevitts finished was the TM for them and most of the work went with him.

Yeah, that’s What I heard Trev H and you’re right about the eight stud wheels. I was told by the Leyland people they were a bit of a mish mash motor, sort of part Leyland part Albion. It was like a boxer on Albion running gear, but don’t think they made too many of them. Used to make the stores chaps scratch their heads a bit when sorting out spares. :laughing: Once we had a pair of wheels come loose, down in Exeter and the garage dragged him in, but couldn’t get any spares. I went to the Leyland place in Willenhall and they had the wheel nuts and studs, but the studs went in from the front with a flat l/h thread nut on the back, which wasn’t in stock, but said they could get them in at 2 am next morning. Now the wheel nuts and studs were about £1 each but when I collected the lock nuts they said they were £9 each. I was sure the guy had got it wrong and asked three times if he would check the part number, but he said it was right. I had to have them to take down through the night, but said I would be looking into it on my return. They even gave me a contact at their technical department at Thame and the bod there confirmed that it was the price, but did confess of possibly being overcharged by their supplier! He said to leave it with him and he would get back to me, though it could take up to a month. I never did here anything about it, but after a while, a new day, another more pressing problem and so on and so forth! Never had the need for any of them again in the nine years we ran it, luckily!

Hello all, Brevitts, and subsidiary Hall Transport, (Wood Lane, behind Everitts, and close to Waltons). Built their bodies close to the “high level station”, down behind the Dale Cinema in Willenhall. Alan, Fred, and Tim Risbrook. Risbrooks were a family with many business interests around Willenhall, (Nolan and Risbrook, was one). I think Brevitt Carriers started mid 1800s! Bit like Bouts in Wolverhampton. Was a very sound business, their last accounts show a healthy P&L. I think that the sale of the business did not include the freehold of Ashmore Lake, (circ 80000 plus sq ft), or their other premises. I think that Tim still does caravan storage from the west Wolverhampton site, though I bet that there is still residual Carbon Black dust in there! Fred used to do some shows with the Model T van, Yes Asprays did spring up after Brevitt was sold, I think Bill Wright has put some DAFs into them, very “dowdy” livery though. Beautiful fleet was Brevitts, very smart in red and white, one of the last of the old school parcel carriers, must have dented Bedfords sales when they lost that order. Remember Halls beautiful S39 Foden platform? Doesnt seem that long ago, but it is, Cheerio for now.

they used to have a set time to get to a destination,thats why they never hung about “flyers”.then i can remember in the late seventies riding with me dad southbound m1 passin toddington there was an accident on the northbound.a foreign artic passin a brevitt motor decided he wanted to get on the services and took the brevitt bedford with him.cant remember what happened to the driver,but everytime you saw them after that they were 50-55 mph

saviem,can you remember this

Hello all, curnock, sorry I have no knowledge of this incident, apologies. Cheerio for now.

they used to have a set time to get to a destination,thats why they never hung about “flyers”.then i can remember in the late seventies riding with me dad southbound m1 passin toddington there was an accident on the northbound.a foreign artic passin a brevitt motor decided he wanted to get on the services and took the brevitt bedford with him.cant remember what happened to the driver,but everytime you saw them after that they were 50-55 mph

Hi Curnock,

Yes you are correct in most of these details. The Brevitts driver you are referring to was Alan Challoner, my father. He survived that crash by the skin of his teeth, and got back behind the wheel a few weeks later. I think it was fleet number 58, but could be wrong. He went on to work for Parceline after the takeover, until he set up his own business - Black Country Parcels with some of the other Drivers from Brevitts. Unfortunately, he died in 1989.

I have a few pictures of his Brevitts lorry I will post soon. I also have 2 models painted by the Brevitts artist in the Brevitts livery that may be of interest.

caged lion,hello mate,did your father drive for charles richards fasteners,darlaston ■■.and the more photos the better !! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Hi Curnock.

No his first HGV driving job was for Brevitts. Before that, driving vans for British Rail, BMW and JPS. As well as working locally at Garringtons (opposite Charles Richards). I myself live on the old Rubery Owen site in darlaston.

I checked with my bro, and the Brevitts fleet number he wrote off at Toddington was #68. A steel bar came through the windscreen from the lorry infront, just missing his head. When he drove for Parceline, I used to travel in the cab too, (aged about 8 ) but had to ‘duck down’ when making deliveries as it was not allowed.

Ill pop to my moms in the next week and scan the pics I have. I would also be grateful if anyone has any pictures of the Ashmore Lake Way premises from the 80’s, or any pictures not posted yet. I have been looking for years in the hope someone has some.

All the best :slight_smile:

clion,ah right same name different person…the "ducking down " i remember very well LOL :slight_smile:

found this bit of trivia.thats two companies thats sprouted from brevitts !!

found this bit of trivia.thats two companies thats sprouted from brevitts !!

Probably more than that ! there was GK trans, Black country parcels, G Aspray parcels and Midland carriers from Landywood (who ran one of the 2 Albion cheiftons Brevitts had).
Of course Brevitts were taken over by Parceline which was eventually swallowed up by DPD, though I suspect little of the original customers were retained by them, Asprays probably took most of the lock manufacturing work in Willenhall but most of that is now manufactured in China !

My dad worked for Brevitts for 25 years until he had his HGV licence revoked due to illness. He then went to work at the Ductile but passed away 2 years later. My early memories are him driving a Thames Trader, then on to a Bedford TK. And one of the comments someone has talked about in this thread is ducking down when going passed the depots, I remember doing that many times :smiley: There were occasions when he also did work for Halls, which was the general haulage side to Brevitts and they parked their motors in Short Heath. When he did work for Halls, he drove an Albion with the split grill, which to me as a nipper was a massive truck. And does anyone remember the ‘Mickey Mouse’ Foden that Halls had? I knew the driver, he was good pals with my dad.
I think there was a good comraderie at Brevitts, all the drivers knew each other and I always remember telling my old man that I would work there one day. Alas, it was not to be as everyone knows on here, they were sold off to Mayne Nickless and re-branded Parceline. The off shoot of Brevitts was Aspray Transport, started by George Aspray, but I think Tim Risbrooke had a lot to do with that. What Asprays took with them was the undesirable work that Parceline wouldn’t carry. Now at the age of 47, I have been involved with training Aspray drivers to NVQ level, as I am an Assessor/Trainer. But I am also a former driver (Class 1) and in my early days as a driver actually drove for GK Transport.
Brevitts had a very recognisable fleet, the likes of which you hardly see today. I tell my wife that if I could I’d get a Bedford TK or even a KM and restore it in their colours with the #63, as that was my dads TK.

A few pics i found on internet

pete smith:
A few pics i found on internet

These a fantastic photos from the past Pete, Keep them rolling, Regards Larry.

Lawrence Dunbar:

pete smith:
A few pics i found on internet

These a fantastic photos from the past Pete, Keep them rolling, Regards Larry.

Hi Larry, I only found them by accident! will keep em peeled!

Reg No. VFD 222S, sorry for quality, Cheer’s Pete