
Travelling round the M25 last night in the ■■■■■■■ rain, I came through the tunnels in the roadworks towards J33, three car shunt in the middle lane, and one against the wall in the third lane, mayhem ensued. Shortly after, I gets a flash from a passing truck and he is pointing to my rear, I had a look, no lights, ■■■■, where do I pull in?. I managed till J17 and pulled into the on ramp hard shoulder after the junction so that I wouldn’t be next to the live lane. Checked the suzie and fuses, no luck, had to call it in. Got on to the MAN people, they asked if it was ok for a fitter to attend regards safety aspect, I said yes, I was not next to the live lane, ok they said, we will get back to you with an ETA. In the meantime, I see the flashing lights pull up, I thought it was HATO, but it was VOSA who knocked on the door to ask if I was ok, I explained that my lights had went out on the trailer and he said he would contact HATO, but would stay behind me until they turned up, as I was driving a loaded petrol tanker.
I would just like to say on here, a special thanks to the guy that came out from R & S High Wycombe and spent hour and more in the torrential rain fixing the problem, the rain must have been dripping out his arse, poor guy, on a Friday night too, anyway, couldn’t do my second run, so home in bed by 02.30.


J33? I thought it went upto 31?

VOSA not all bad then?

Loaded petrol tanker, bit of a clue, why VOSA would assist in this matter, public safety aspect i concur.

Sorry alcpone, meant J23,
