Last week I was doing some furniture delivery and I put my card in at 6.10 am after did some deliveries I noticed its nearly 6 hours mixed work and nearly 4 hours driving,I countinue to drive and planned to put my break when I arrive to next place but it was all so tight single country roads and wherever I go I see low bridge signs and had to change my route and my tacho started to flash and I find the place to stop and check my tacho and it says 4 .30 min driving and I put my break on it seems ok but my worry is I went over 6 hours like 20 min.Does it make me trouble?How many minutes can I go over 6 hours mixed or 4,30 driving hours if I cant find place to stop?


Last week I was doing some furniture delivery and I put my card in at 6.10 am after did some deliveries I noticed its nearly 6 hours mixed work and nearly 4 hours driving,I countinue to drive and planned to put my break when I arrive to next place but it was all so tight single country roads and wherever I go I see low bridge signs and had to change my route and my tacho started to flash and I find the place to stop and check my tacho and it says 4 .30 min driving and I put my break on it seems ok but my worry is I went over 6 hours like 20 min.Does it make me trouble?How many minutes can I go over 6 hours mixed or 4,30 driving hours if I cant find place to stop?


You’ll probably get an infringement for going over 6 hours without a break, it’s not serious so don’t worry about it :wink:

Basically you shouldn’t go over either the 6 hours working time or the 4.5 hours driving time, the 4.5 hours driving time is by far the more serious and you should try very to comply with it.

I wouldn’t lose any sleep over it mate,

but you really need to think if you was working doing any other job would you work 6 hours straight without taking a break,

i believe you have 15 mins from when it starts flashing to pullover and go on break, after 15 mins it goes down as an infringement :frowning: , but hoe hum it happens, its not always easy to just pullover and go on already said, “i wouldnt lose sleep over it”

Yes it is 15 mins from first warning.

A one off will not get you shot but going over regularly is not recommended.

thanks for answers,when I started shift they didnt download my card and when I came back they said its ok dont need to download this is another question must they download my card beginning and finishing my shift?does it make me trouble if they dont download my card?

You must make it available for download. It’s up to them whether they actually do

thanks for answers,when I started shift they didnt download my card and when I came back they said its ok dont need to download this is another question must they download my card beginning and finishing my shift?does it make me trouble if they dont download my card?

If this is a company you work for regularly they should download your card at least every 28 days, if it’s a company you go to occasionally they should download the card at the end of the shift or at-least at the end of your time there if you’re doing more than one shift.

Your responsibility ends at making your card available, if they choose not to download the data from the card it’s their problem and it’s them and not you who will face any consequences if VOSA do an inspection.

thanks for answers I feel better now.I was a bit worry,I ve been driving last 5 6 months for agency and every company that I drove for them are tottaly different some are so hard for rules some are so large but end of the day this is my licence and I need to know more about that things to protect myself from vosa guys :astonished: