Brand new driver!

Evening all,10 days ago junior GOG (age 19) passed his Class 1, (can’t be doing with that c+e or whatever it is malarkey) and has hit the ground running. In between doing his normal Palletline work, he’s fitted in a Double Decker trunk to Stoke and back,a milk tanker to Manchester and a double manned Lockerbie-Kendal-Newark-Lockerbie run,(the old hand who he went with said he would gladly sit beside him again). Today he was out learning farm collection routes on the milk, and he’s currently getting some kip before a 3am start with a tank down to Skem and back to Lockerbie to tip a couple more out of our yard next door. Saturday will see him taking a decker to Stena Cairnryan to ship and after a couple of days off,he starts on a 5 on 3 off rota on the aforementioned farm collections. Lets hope its a few years before he picks up the jaded, couldn’t give a t0ss attitude that seems to be the norm on here :laughing:

Nice change from the usual complaining about no work for newbies. Tell him to keep it lit on the 75 so as not to upset the boat chasers. Nobody likes a 40 mph hero :laughing: .

Good luck to him. I think we all remember the days with a new license when we’d take every shift going. Hopefully itll be a while before the novelty wears off! :laughing:

Nice to hear a young lad getting a break.

Nice change from the usual complaining about no work for newbies. Tell him to keep it lit on the 75 so as not to upset the boat chasers. Nobody likes a 40 mph hero :laughing: .

Best not,his mum would kill ME if he came home with points in his first month :laughing: he can pull over if the Tang brigade come up behind him

Nice to hear a young lad getting a break.

Boss has put about half a dozen young lads through their test this year. Can’t get enough decent drivers so decide to make his own,all he wants is a couple of years loyalty at least.


Nice to hear a young lad getting a break.

Boss has put about half a dozen young lads through their test this year. Can’t get enough decent drivers so decide to make his own,all he wants is a couple of years loyalty at least.

As long as he does not abuse and take advantage of their naivety.


Nice to hear a young lad getting a break.

Boss has put about half a dozen young lads through their test this year. Can’t get enough decent drivers so decide to make his own,all he wants is a couple of years loyalty at least.

As long as he does not abuse and take advantage of their naivety.

Or repeat himself :blush: :laughing: :laughing:

Or repeat himself :blush: :laughing: :laughing:

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: . Makes a refreshing change to hear of an employer with the foresight to realise that the future of lorry drivers must come from the younger generation and has taken steps to address it. Best wishes to your lad op.

Wise investment training your own carefully selected people.
So long as the job is half decent at the end of it, no reason they won’t become permanent fixtures.

As I said before, good to hear young lads are getting a chance, and if the guy has genuine motives, fair play to him.

Thing is this job has made me a cynical bast over the years :unamused: , and a lot of the times employers making gestures like this sometimes have ulterior motives. :bulb: cheap labour is one example of many.

So if I was this lad’s Dad I would be keeping an eye open…Sorry to be a wet blanket btw o/p. :blush:

As I said before, good to hear young lads are getting a chance, and if the guy has genuine motives, fair play to him.

Thing is this job has made me a cynical bast over the years :unamused: , and a lot of the times employers making gestures like this sometimes have ulterior motives. :bulb: cheap labour is one example of many.

So if I was this lad’s Dad I would be keeping an eye open…Sorry to be a wet blanket btw o/p. :blush:

Understand the suspicion but I’ve been in this game 30yr now so I know when somebody’s taking the mick (I also work there which helps :wink: ).Job is sound and he’s the On the full rate,same as everybody else


As I said before, good to hear young lads are getting a chance, and if the guy has genuine motives, fair play to him.

Thing is this job has made me a cynical bast over the years :unamused: , and a lot of the times employers making gestures like this sometimes have ulterior motives. :bulb: cheap labour is one example of many.

So if I was this lad’s Dad I would be keeping an eye open…Sorry to be a wet blanket btw o/p. :blush:

Understand the suspicion but I’ve been in this game 30yr now so I know when somebody’s taking the mick (I also work there which helps :wink: ).Job is sound and he’s the On the full rate,same as everybody else

Ok glad to hear it mate, hope he does ok.

The very best of luck to your lad.

I’m a little jealous TBH, I wish someone had offered me training for 2 years loyalty. I would have snatched their hands off

I think when you start you can feel a little lost with everything and the first time driving off on your own can be terrifying. I would have loved some support

getting some good experience,fair play to him,good luck

i’ll be the first to admit i’m allways moaning about the job,but I will say when I first passed I was very excited and loved the job for about 15 yrs,having said that do any of you still get a buzz from seeing the trailer come round when you turn[providing it’s done right of course] gives you a good feeling,particularly when you get a tight turn, get it right and get applauded or a thumbs up from car drivers/ people walking by

Well we came close to not getting a young driver good news story in 2016, but we made it people! :smiley:

Nice one OP, and it sounds like you’re proud of him and have a good relationship…

Great end of year story, sounds like company looking after him, a young, enthusiastic, driver with a good attitude is a valuable asset to any company and can lay down the foundations for a profitable well run business, shame it’s not more common in our industry but let’s hope 2017 will be a driving utopia [emoji598][emoji3]

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Well done to junior gog. Remember to beat him hard if he starts talking about logs.